Question about the GW game...


Senile Senior
Nov 7, 2011
I love basketball but have never been coached or coached so my knowledge is limited therefore should we be concerned that GW full court pressed the entire second half and we got trounced by them...seems we couldn't get out of the backcourt in time to run a valid offense. Was it the pressure or did we simply not put in the effort with our big lead? If it is the pressure I am sure other teams will pressure even better then GW did so the benefit should be our coaches have time to make adjustments.
I love basketball but have never been coached or coached so my knowledge is limited therefore should we be concerned that GW full court pressed the entire second half and we got trounced by them...seems we couldn't get out of the backcourt in time to run a valid offense. Was it the pressure or did we simply not put in the effort with our big lead? If it is the pressure I am sure other teams will pressure even better then GW did so the benefit should be our coaches have time to make adjustments.

I'm no expert (just played highschool bball) but I haven't seen a reason to be worried. Our guys have looked confident in beating it and I don't remember seeing any turnovers from it. It may have just been lack of effort with a lead. I remember two plays in particular where Lonnie attacked when he had the ball while breaking the full court press and it led to one easy basket and one bad miss by Huell.
I think they were just comfortable with a big lead and didn't take them very seriously early in the second half. They also didn't panic or freak out, which is a good sign. The looked confident the whole game, and that's going to be big moving forward. We just don't need to be OVER confident.
This team can't be pressed. In fact, we would welcome it because we would have so many easy baskets. Lykes and Newton can break the press by themselves and Huell, Brown and Lonnie would clean up on transition dunks. It also helps that UM is so long and can throw over most presses (except for Lykes). I'm pretty sure UM was looking ahead and it got caught a bit off guard by the press (can't remember anyone else pressing). That said, very few ACC teams feature the press apart from Louisville.

But that last post about finding a scorer is true. They need a guy who can get them a bucket at key stretches. I think Coach L was hoping that it would be Lonnie, but he's not there yet. He's the only one (apart from DJ I'll explain later) who has the all around scoring ability. He can shoot from deep and take it to the hole. DJ can do both but he's nowhere's near as explosive as Lonnie around the rim. Everybody else has a real limitation (Brown -can't shoot; Lykes -- too small to be effective finisher; Newton -- poor deep shooter). Amp can do some of this as well but he's not great at getting into the lane, once there he's quite solid.