Question about every recruiting interview....


Nov 5, 2011
Why does every single reporter out there paraphrase and use their writing style when posting interviews? I've read thousands of these things and it's night and day in comparison to their video interviews. The text only interviews feature good grammar, we'll thought out responses, etc.

What can we take from these is what I'm getting at? The video interviews you often need an interpreter or the key to whatever code they're speaking in. Even the social media clips from these young men is vague as **** and far from English.

Why cant you just say what you mean, you can't understand what black people are saying, go somewhere man.
Why does every single reporter out there paraphrase and use their writing style when posting interviews? I've read thousands of these things and it's night and day in comparison to their video interviews. The text only interviews feature good grammar, we'll thought out responses, etc.

What can we take from these is what I'm getting at? The video interviews you often need an interpreter or the key to whatever code they're speaking in. Even the social media clips from these young men is vague as **** and far from English.

What do expect with from these kids with teachers like Mr. Garvey?

Why cant you just say what you mean, you can't understand what black people are saying, go somewhere man.

I certainly didn't mean that.

Mostly in video interviews these young men don't give much away and are often disinterested or maybe even camera shy. They're still young, so I don't expect seasoned pro's, but even at that level you still see it.

Seeing the difference between the two, it's no wonder recruits often say they didn't say something. Reporters, I use that term very loosely, obviously take some liberties when writing these things up. They aren't always giving direct quotes. I would love to have Pete chime in.
Why cant you just say what you mean, you can't understand what black people are saying, go somewhere man.

I certainly didn't mean that.

Mostly in video interviews these young men don't give much away and are often disinterested or maybe even camera shy. They're still young, so I don't expect seasoned pro's, but even at that level you still see it.

Seeing the difference between the two, it's no wonder recruits often say they didn't say something. Reporters, I use that term very loosely, obviously take some liberties when writing these things up. They aren't always giving direct quotes. I would love to have Pete chime in.

Most of the "reporters" just ask the same loaded questions to every recruit and the recruits are just giving generic responses. Literally every 247 sports interview reads the could just copy and paste team names and recruit names nobody would know the difference. Think about how you would act as a teen and a hundred grown men you dont know ask you the same questions everywhere you go.
Why cant you just say what you mean, you can't understand what black people are saying, go somewhere man.

I certainly didn't mean that.

Mostly in video interviews these young men don't give much away and are often disinterested or maybe even camera shy. They're still young, so I don't expect seasoned pro's, but even at that level you still see it.

Seeing the difference between the two, it's no wonder recruits often say they didn't say something. Reporters, I use that term very loosely, obviously take some liberties when writing these things up. They aren't always giving direct quotes. I would love to have Pete chime in.

Yea that's why I mostly stay bland in my updates and I post the videos I watch. The only things you could really trust are if they give a writer a list of team their interested in, who's recruiting them the hardest, who exactly on the staff is recruiting them and what they want in a school because That's the stuff that really can't be made up because it'll ruin someone's rep or be interpreted differently
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Why cant you just say what you mean, you can't understand what black people are saying, go somewhere man.

I certainly didn't mean that.

Mostly in video interviews these young men don't give much away and are often disinterested or maybe even camera shy. They're still young, so I don't expect seasoned pro's, but even at that level you still see it.

Seeing the difference between the two, it's no wonder recruits often say they didn't say something. Reporters, I use that term very loosely, obviously take some liberties when writing these things up. They aren't always giving direct quotes. I would love to have Pete chime in.

Yea that's why I mostly stay bland in my updates and I post the videos I watch. The only thing you could really trust if if they give a writer a list of team their interested in, who's recruiting them the hardest, who exactly on the staff is recruiting them and what they want in a school because That's the stuff that really can't be made up because it'll ruin someone's rep or interpreted differently

Good thinking and thanks for bringing the intel Z
Why cant you just say what you mean, you can't understand what black people are saying, go somewhere man.

I certainly didn't mean that.

The text only interviews feature good grammar, we'll thought out responses, etc. ...

The video interviews you often need an interpreter or the key to whatever code they're speaking in. Even the social media clips from these young men is vague as **** and far from English.

lol. just keep them away from the camera am i right INKKKaneFan?
Why cant you just say what you mean, you can't understand what black people are saying, go somewhere man.

I certainly didn't mean that.

The text only interviews feature good grammar, we'll thought out responses, etc. ...

The video interviews you often need an interpreter or the key to whatever code they're speaking in. Even the social media clips from these young men is vague as **** and far from English.

lol. just keep them away from the camera am i right INKKKaneFan?

Not at all. At least that's honest. I have no issue with any child or young man who has any difficulty speaking or anything of the like. It isn't their fault, but the parents and the schools that just push them through thanks to dumbass policies like NO Child Left Behind.
Why cant you just say what you mean, you can't understand what black people are saying, go somewhere man.

I certainly didn't mean that.

Mostly in video interviews these young men don't give much away and are often disinterested or maybe even camera shy. They're still young, so I don't expect seasoned pro's, but even at that level you still see it.

Seeing the difference between the two, it's no wonder recruits often say they didn't say something. Reporters, I use that term very loosely, obviously take some liberties when writing these things up. They aren't always giving direct quotes. I would love to have Pete chime in.

Yea that's why I mostly stay bland in my updates and I post the videos I watch. The only things you could really trust are if they give a writer a list of team their interested in, who's recruiting them the hardest, who exactly on the staff is recruiting them and what they want in a school because That's the stuff that really can't be made up because it'll ruin someone's rep or be interpreted differently

They can stop with the question, "What they want in a school", because it's a cliche answer with no real factor in their decision. Like the one kid recently who said he wanted to major in Marine Biology. I call BS because if that was the case he'd know UM is probably his only choice. To address something else. As an AA I refuse to pretend that many of the recruits can't articulate the appropriate response to questions and have very poor English skills like they just learning the language.