PSU Sanctions

i went and looked at their roster to see if we should be after anyone. Made me feel better about our team. Even if they had all their players back and no sanctions they were in for a tough year.
i dont think it really opens the door for bigger sanctions on us BUT if the ncaa wanted to send a message they could hit us hard and say "look what we did to penn st. and miami" both national campionship winning teams. so that kind of scares me
crossover22[]_[];658417 said:
i dont think it really opens the door for bigger sanctions on us BUT if the ncaa wanted to send a message they could hit us hard and say "look what we did to penn st. and miami" both national campionship winning teams. so that kind of scares me

Yea come on guys do you see us getting anywhere near as severe of sanctions as PSU got? Big difference between child *** abuse and providing athletes with improper benefits