I’m with you on this Derek. Tons of other posts that should be deemed objectionable based upon the board rules as well as individual moderator predilection.
Thanks for the advice guys.
You're one of the good ones, but Derek is right on this one, providing something wasn't erased that the dude posted.
A perfect example of people saying stuff and not getting banned was when our president was hired. People were calling him a soccer loving beaner and one of them still posts here having 10's of thousands of posts attacking posters non-stop. Consequently he also neglected to post in the congrats thread for him a few weeks ago.
Appreciate it.
I don't know who you're talking about, but in a sense it doesn't matter. I'm not sure what isn't coming through about shake&bake, but I gave him each of his infractions over the course of a week or so. They're all for starting trolling threads. I know you guys don't see it right away, but trust me there's a consistent pattern almost all trolls follow (start an account, start a very high concentration of new threads that usually are disguised slights or leading questions, act shocked people don't see their sincerity). I've modded at multiple sites over the last 10 years and it's insanely consistent on that front. They also never respond to warnings or change their behavior.
It's not your job to sniff this stuff out, but there's a world of difference between "bad posters" and total trolls. It's not my website, and I'm not here to run it how I want, but the trolls are enough of a drain that it's worth banning them.
He'll be back in a week. Let's see if I'm wrong.