Practice Pic of Duke... Possible Bowl uni's???


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Nov 2, 2011
Christy C. Chirinos@ChristyChirinos12m
Duke Johnson not on his scooter like last week. On crutches instead and smiling with teammates...

Christy Chirinos (who does a pretty nice job reporting on the canes considering the other beat writers), tweeted this out about Duke being off the scooter.

I noticed a couple of things. The Orange on Orange is a player favorite, they have voted to use them before, but they were using the dull White helmets from the grey uni's and the bigger U.

Throwing out that it might be the bowl game uni's? Looks like others had the Green on white uni's in the same pic. Figured I would throw it out there cause its something different than talking about the Dixon spygate stuff...

Defense is wearing the grey uni's. We are the away team for the game so expect the stormtroopers
I thought you meant Duke was wearing a New uni...I looked and saw a back pak...Okay

Thanks for posting,,,
Unless Louisville rocks their black unis, I doubt we'll be wearing orange.

Most likely we'll be rocking the Stormtroopers.
i'm not in undergrad as often, but...

pete can you tell us about what kind of dimes Olsen pulls?

because that boy Whipple was pulling some real fire back in the day
Feel so bad for Duke

Dude bleeds Orange and Green, never wavered, came and stuck through the NCAA bullsht, Master recruiter, you name it. He's IT

**** it Man. Duke should be playing in this Bowl game against all those Florida boys especially his boy Keith Brown.

Get well soon Duke. Miss you Brah.
Them gray uni's need to be torched asap. Had they even resembled the concept drawing they would have been fine. Yet it looks like we bought them bootleg from a made in china ebay seller. Probably got all the uni's for .99 cents with 49.99 s&h