Podcast taking live call-ins today


Nov 2, 2011
We're recording today at 8pm. We plan on having whoever wants to come on. Can talk about anything 'cane related (plenty of stuff to choose from: Big 12, Shannon settling, Benjamin starting for Browns, Paul Dee death etc.) Or you can pick something random and off topic. PM me if you want to come on.
We're recording today at 8pm. We plan on having whoever wants to come on. Can talk about anything 'cane related (plenty of stuff to choose from: Big 12, Shannon settling, Benjamin starting for Browns, Paul Dee death etc.) Or you can pick something random and off topic. PM me if you want to come on.

Let me get in on the show
We're recording today at 8pm. We plan on having whoever wants to come on. Can talk about anything 'cane related (plenty of stuff to choose from: Big 12, Shannon settling, Benjamin starting for Browns, Paul Dee death etc.) Or you can pick something random and off topic. PM me if you want to come on.

Let me get in on the show

Do you have skype?
I understand this Podcast is going to be the "streetest", "downest", "flyest" happenin on da Webz!
I understand this Podcast is going to be the "streetest", "downest", "flyest" happenin on da Webz!

Dude your schtick is stupid and inaccurate. Lose it. We're trying to do something nice for the site and your left fieldisms are retarded.
Why don't you come on live today and say your piece? If you're willing to, great. If not, quit being a douchenozzle. This is the football board. Take the schtick to the WEZ. Thx.