Pipelines schools


Head Meshuggah
Nov 3, 2011
A theme thats probably been overplayed in the past, but it seems to me we have gone from MNW, to STA, to now Miramar and US?!?
It needs to be any team in the state of Florida! North, west and central Florida in loaded with talent. Don't think for a second these kids can't contend with any kid from south Florida!
I don't care about a pipeline as long as it's not like Randy ignoring his favorite schools' rivals.
It needs to be any team in the state of Florida! North, west and central Florida in loaded with talent. Don't think for a second these kids can't contend with any kid from south Florida!

We're fighting an uphill battle in those areas. Just look at our history with Jacksonville as an example of how we get burned when we go to Gator or Nole friendly areas. Golden is doing it the right way. He's recruiting Tampa hard but avoiding the heavy Gator and Nole leans. He's trying to work us into Orlando slowly. The other areas are ones that receive much less attention, but we still visit certain schools and recruit certain (under the radar) players to maintain a presence.
I dont think I was clear enough in my original post. I was musing about how "pipeline" schools, which should theoretically be there for the long haul, seem to constantly change for us. Next year, we could have more players from US on the roster than any other school. Who would have dreamed that even 2 years ago?!?