Frankly, whether Ariz knows stuff or doesn't, there is an element to reading between the lines around here. I think he said what he said on the podcast because that's what he needed to say, both for the good of the program and to keep the relationships he needs to do his job. He also made a VERY cryptic appearance, and sudden disappearance from a thread about Art Sitsonthebench just about a week or ten days ago that my intuition told me was all we needed to know.
Frankly, we shouldn't, and I'd prefer we didn't, know about every little machination going on behind the scenes in the UM football offices. If we knew everything, then so would everyone else. But if you pay enough attention and have the intelligence to read between the lines, you can get a pretty good inkling of what's going on and, with the benefit of hindsight, really know what happened even if it's not spelled out for you in words no longer than three to five letters.
If that's not good enough for you, get mommy to pour you a glass of warm milk and go read a children's book.