Panda doing work again

Poor Brewster, went from going up against guys like Paul Williams and Dorito to Hartley and Panda.
Just noticed The Panda Assassin's calf tat. He got that in prison after he shanked a classmate in Bartendering School. Tim Brewster's days on this planet are numbered.
I'm not gonna suck his dyck just yet.....but im looking at the bulge and my mouth is getting watery
I notice Hartley has been low key since NSD...I wonder what kind of dastardly things Hartley has been up to behind the scenes oooooo weeeee. He's going to surprise us, i'm certain of it.
I notice Hartley has been low key since NSD...I wonder what kind of dastardly things Hartley has been up to behind the scenes oooooo weeeee. He's going to surprise us, i'm certain of it.
He's been slithering through the southeast, waiting for the perfect time to strike
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I notice Hartley has been low key since NSD...I wonder what kind of dastardly things Hartley has been up to behind the scenes oooooo weeeee. He's going to surprise us, i'm certain of it.
Working on large numbers of withdrawals under $10,000 to avoid notifying the IRS