OT: Judge throws out PA lawsuit against NCAA

I'm no lawyer but Miami has other avenues they can use as a basis for suing the NCAA other than anti-trust. There were cover ups, malicious intent, uncorroborated events, coercion, etc. Penn State signed and agreed to the sanctions and that's what is going to hurt them with whatever basis they use to sue the NCAA. They have no cover ups or other proof like we do. Also they aren't going to get much sympathy, child molester vs. crazed midget ponzi schemer. But yes I agree, this will embolden them. Not that it takes much, Emmert probably looks in the mirror every day and gets embolden.
Difference between raping kids in the locker room and what happened here, no?
I keep telling people that a lawsuit against the NCAA is very hard, if not impossible. The tactics a private organization uses in an investigation the courts aren't going to touch unless a law was broken. I think Donna and co did things right and we are looking at 9 over 3 years (3 a year).
I don't care if this is a win for the NCAA, **** Penn State x1000. They deserved everything they got and much more.
Corbett did it to make himself look better. I am pretty sure he was on the board of trustees, as well as the attorney general, when all this went down. He could have done more and he knows it. He had his hands in it and he wants to look like the knight in shining armor. He is arrogant and he should be investigated.
Pennst should've gotten 2 years and $$$$$$$$ fines for victims. The 4 year bowl ban is way over the top ruling by the N$ECCA!! Just for the record I dislike Penn st. very much.
The problem with this lawsuit was standing, first and foremost. Penn State was not a party.