Look at the average salary of a Harvard grad vs an Arkansas grad. Harvard $143,000, Arkansas $59,000. This is an easy choice. Very small chance this kid ever makes a dime playing football, go to Harvard kid!
These numbers are also quite misleading. I'd be willing to say a large percentage of Ivy grads come from wealthy backgrounds with more connections to higher paying jobs than the average State U grad does. Sometimes who you know is more important than what you know.
In addition cost of living differences are REAL. If you're making 80k in NYC Boston or the Bay you're not "poor" but it's definitely not rich. You can live like a boss on 60k in Mississippi or rural Arkansas I'd also guess that Arkansas is far more traditional. Many more female Arky grads are likely making $0 per year as a choice to be with children. Probably not the case for Harvard.
There's also many ways to get by in life. I worked at Goldman Sachs for a while as well as for high AUM buyside shops in Manhattan. I hated my life. I put on 40 pounds and was deeply depressed despite being "successful." I was paying 2850 a month for a studio apartment in kind of a sketch neighborhood in lower Manhattan. 4 floors above me a Moelis associate jumped to his death. In January I'm going to go to SW FL and work on a golf course or bartend or teach school while continuing to trade my own book. The brass ring can also be a piece of sht
WOW, thanks for sharing. You put that into perspective, I guess I've been taking advantage of my lifestyle for granted. Thank You...
Kind of you, but I still feel extremely blessed. I don't want anyone's pity and I certainly am not deserving of it, especially when a global scale is considered. My sister is actually still on the rates desk of one of these sellside hellholes. She also is unhappy, having difficult relationships, not sleeping well, persistent headaches etc. All for the hope of a 40k bonus. But after the tax man takes half and you have a very expensive lifestyle that isn't fulfilling, it doesn't seem worth it.
All that was to make the point that while it's a great accomplishment that this young man has been accepted to Harvard University, the celebration might be extremely premature. He might not know what's beyond the door when he signs up for OCR with GS, BAML, Nomura, McKinsey etc.
Funny enough, the highest net worth person I know went to SUNY Albany...