Offered A Scholarship At Age 14, But Retired by Age 24! (What Happened to Tate Martell?)

I'm going with puzzy got the best of him and his football career. He'll be alright though.
Tate says....Keep on hating....
Pretty good video on Tathan for those that still care.

Not sure exactly what happened but that dude was *****-whipped by that girl and wasn't thinking about football. She was a succubus; made him complacent, it showed on the practice field, and she dropped his *** as soon as he wasn't useful anymore.

paris hilton suck GIF by Animation Domination High-Def

Moral of the Story; Woman can get you off course if you ain't careful. They can be cold and fleeting as ****, too. Ball is life. He'll be on The B Block in an episode of Outside-The-Lines in 20 years about woulda-coulda-shoulda.
Not the first and certainly not the last who athlete/kid to have his career ruined by social media. Football became a job for him and you could tell he didn't love it anymore. He loved the fame, likes, followers, etc. He could have played at a smaller school and probably had a great career but ruined that chasing fame and glamour.