NT Michael Wyche


Feb 22, 2013
Wyche was kept under wraps to be unleashed against...?
He is Redshirt Senior
The way the backups looked, I can see why he didn't get in there. I think he'll log some quality minutes this year, but we are finally seeing some talent at the DT position so his playing time will be cut down.
Put a fork in him he's well done....

Norton/Moten looked way better than Wyche ever did last year, doubt he'll be getting much PT this year. Major disappointment to say the least
We sat on the 50 yard and Wyche spent the majority of the night on the far left side of the Canes sidelines. He really did not have any interaction with the coaches. They put him in the 4th quarter and I watched him specifically for several minutes. The reasons why he will not get any meaningful minutes is because is ZERO mobility and he incredibly overweight. What a wonderful pick up Al! Go Canes
No need to hate on a player one game into the season. I get the Golden hate, but let's pipe it down a bit on the players...
Too early to give up on him. He's only been in the program a year. If he doesn't produce in a year or two, then you can start bytching.
I am NOT ragging on the kid just making an adroit observation. By the way Franchise I believe he is a senior as he came in with junior status. If you want to ***** don't do it against the kid. The man evaluating the talent here is to blame 100%.
Jag.... Norton came in before him. I focused on him for a couple plays Saturday. He has no motor, is weak af and gets no push at the point of attack, and plays with no leverage. He plays patty cake at the poa.
I figured before the season that Jenkins and Moten would eat up Wyche, Hamilton and Moores minutes regardless.

Norton caught me by surprise a bit as I didn't expect a freshman DT to get on the two deep as fast as he did but I bought in on him after the first scrimmage and I trust D$ evals. Norton has a very bright future ahead.

I was at the game and I'll tell you first hand. Wyche is very much out of shape still, gets no push at all and for a big guy.... He's pretty weak too. Not putting him down but I think it's safe to say JAG at this point, he's on his last year. All I heard from people who were at practice/fall camp. Wyche just flat out fell behind, the young guns passed him up. Wyche had a good spring but took a 180 again.

I will say though. I came away impressed with Jenkins, Moten and Norton. Those 3 are going to do good things for us and was pleasantly surprised by Heurtolou. Heurtolou has made strides since last season.