Notre Dame Staff overhaul

Alex Del Piero

Dec 21, 2016
Last edited:
A real AD would say “If you don’t make changes, I will”

A real AD wouldn't even contemplate it.

If you are an AD and its to the point where you have to tell the HC, "changes or else", you as the AD have lost the ball.

A HC is hired to put the right staff into place. If they don't, then the answer is clear--the problem isn't the staff, it's the HC.

Blake and the BOT need to move on from Richt. If they are unwilling, THEY are the root cause of Miami's woes.

They own it at this point. All of them.
A real AD would say “If you don’t make changes, I will”

Our AD is a tranny ***ing puppet. Our AD needed 5 years to graduate from Minnesota State Makato.

Our AD loves Richtirement.

As for a real AD, they wouldn't have hired Richt in the first place.
A real AD wouldn't even contemplate it.

If you are an AD and its to the point where you have to tell the HC, "changes or else", you as the AD have lost the ball.

A HC is hired to put the right staff into place. If they don't, the the answer is clear--the problem isn't the staff, it's the HC.
Especially in yr 3.....I'll give ya yr 1....but it's rather concerning that nothing has changed since...
In my opinion, Miami needs to ditch James and hire Moglia away from Coastal Carolina.

Before you laugh, you should thoroughly understand who Moglia is and what he has accomplished.

Man is a killer.
Please provide the posts stating this above.
The other day someone, I dont remember who, was saying something along the lines of money's not the issue. Short of Richt pulling an Urban or McEltooth move, unfortunately I think money matters.

Aside from that, James would have to admit to 2 colossal mistakes: hiring Richt and even worse to me, doubling down and extending him for no reason when he did.
Lol at money being an issue. What Brian Kelly did at ND was bold and rarely works. Good for him but don’t think that staff over hauls while your job is on the brink of collapse is a panacea
The other day someone, I dont remember who, was saying something along the lines of money's not the issue. Short of Richt pulling an Urban or McEltooth move, unfortunately I think money matters.

Aside from that, James would have to admit to 2 colossal mistakes: hiring Richt and even worse to me, doubling down and extending him for no reason when he did.

The prior poster said "unlimited funds". I want to see who said that.