MEGA New Miami Adidas Ultraboost🔥 - The Shoe and Nike/Adidas Thread.

The Monarch isn't bad:

The Revolution:

And there's always the Pegasus:

Appreciate you. I don't usually like the all black sneakers, but something about the Revolution 6 in the black/gray color scheme looks good to me.

Arnold Palmer said it best “ You can be great AND be nice” Is Jordan the worst human being in existence? No, but if he wasn’t a great basketball player most of us would see him as an awful person. You can’t have this many stories floating around without there being some truth to it.

It’s a weird thing how Jordan people view him. I can easily admit that Tiger Woods is an extremely flawed human being, my father was able to admit that Pete Rose is a douchebag. Why are Jordan fans so incredibly defensive about the guy?

I get it, a lot of the things we found out about Jordan were disclosed after he retired. Still doesn’t change the fact that if most of us had to deal with someone like that on a daily basis, we’d be looking to throw hands.
I don't know if people would see him as awful, especially with his charity work.
I think I need to caveat this with, I could not care less if we are Nike or Adidas. I buy most of my UM clothes from Homefield Apparel or companies that go more vintage in styles. Genuinely don't care. With that said, I will throw out one other possible factor. @Rellyrell mentioned that Nike has their standard structure of a contract in the form of smaller base and bigger contingencies based on sales. This is not just from a monetary perspective to disincentivize other schools asking for the same. Companies stick to their one format of a deal for a whole bunch of reasons, not the least of which are legal, finance, accounting, etc. are all organized based off of that one format for efficiency, both internally and externally.

There are companies that when they look to sell subsidiaries will out of hand reject anyone that will not do an equity deal and instead insist on an asset purchase, even if the asset purchasers will offer more money. Won't even entertain it because they have spent a LOT of time and money organizing their departments in a specific manner.

The assertion or thought that Nike would automatically want to match the terms of Adidas's contract if they could save a million a year or whatever is misguided from a business perspective.

I happen to agree with you about the school's legal department at the time holding significant responsibility. Look at the number of issues we had during those years just with athletics that wound up getting out. Shannon's contract termination, Golden's contract termination, Arkansas St., etc. God knows what didn't get out or make the press athletically, let alone with the rest of the school. The entire culture of the school had a clear quality oversight issue, and it is probably why a guy who ran Deloitte was brought in to fix it.
Sure, I agree they appear to set up the business to mostly/only offer contracts that way.... but why? Imo, it'd be because it allows them to guarantee they don't overpay. The way they are choosing to setup the contract is making sure both parties incentives align. That is just obvious and the entire purpose of a performance based contract. That ALSO means they don't want to take the risk for the potential reward in the form of greater profits if our program is successful and ends up selling more than THEY projected. ... You know same way if we don't want a Back end heavy deal we don't want to take the risk....

Seriously this isn't that complicated, look at it like you are a player signing a contract with a team. Are you taking a 4 year contract entirely based on performance where basically ONLY if you consistently perform at a top 5 level will pay you more than the almost fully up-front market setting contract? You'd be a fool to take that in that scenario. Now if the situation was one team is offering you a Non-market setting contract, and another team is offering you heavy performance based incentives, option B in that case makes a lot of sense, especially if it were super short term and you know based on your history you're likely to hit those numbers. Players do that all the time. But NOBODY is turning down the market setting contract with up front money over the performance based one unless they are VERY VERY confident they will outpeform... even then they aren't because the risk isn't worth the reward lol. And If you are a person that thought Blake James was the dumbest of the dumb and this Athletic Department was incredibly mismanaged, and not living up to its potential, then how on earth does it makes sense to still think the performance based contract is better than the market setting up front money that it was unlikely or at least very difficult to exceed? Again Nike being a company that doesn't really overpay, and our administration being dumb and not having much on-field success to speak of plays into my argument lol.

Now This ENTIRE time I've been saying the position about Adidas being the better option after 8 years is based on factors that IMO are the important ones. If other people value different factors more, then they will disagree. My comments are basically entirely about the money aspect of the deal and stating that I have liked Adidas Uniforms for us far more than Nike. If Someone says "the Adidas contract was better money, but the Nike contract was still better even at less money because of brand image/recruiting/design/quality/fan merch/whatever" (btw this imo has mostly been what @Rellyrell has actually been saying), I would have zero PROBLEM with that opinion. Doesn't mean I have to agree with them though, or that it makes it objectively true. For Instance If someone weights Money as by far the most important, and Uniform designs as 2nd, with everything else distant 3rd+, then I really don't think it's crazy for me or anyone to have the opinion switching to Adidas has been just fine/better than Nike.
I hear you, but I highly doubt we would walk away from ADIDAS without knowing who our next deal is with and what the framework of it looks like in advance. We would have zero leverage and limited options. Let's be honest, is there really another direction we would want to go in besides Nike? With ADIDAS off the table, they would hold all the cards.
... And this is the problem with everyone here that just wants Nike no matter what lol. Don't get why people want to willingly just give someone a monopoly and make it so we get jack ****, cause thats the end result of Adidas getting out of CFB. Maybe Fanatics itself will be the next player...
Anyone ever worn a version of these?
Adidas FW8583


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U serious bruh? Not trying to be a dicc, or start a fight....just asking a question. U really don't know what those are? Or are you just being funny?
The type of Air Force 1 lol not the actual shoe. Wanted to cop that pair for the summer. SWFL got me.
I’ve had these custom ones from adidas since we signed with them. Can’t knock the quality back then. Nike did clearly have a different color though.
