MEGA New Miami Adidas Ultraboost🔥 - The Shoe and Nike/Adidas Thread.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when ppl put words in my mouth.

Since u have this argumentative nature about urself, this is what I’m going to do; I’m going to allow u to argue w/ urself. I’ll let u believe what u want to believe. If what I posted as an example flew over ur head & u didn’t get the gist of the back to back timeline that led to where we r today, then homie, I can’t help u.

Don’t expect a reply back; just enjoy typing out what u think is conceivable & maybe someone else can help u understand why I would remotely use, not just the hiring of Richt, but the lack of coaching search in the hire.

Both u & Canesdude08 r “whoooooo, child“ worthy.
Your exact words:
Blake James, took it upon himself to not do a coaching search & hire a retired Mark Richt AND allow him to bring on his son to coach, something that UGA would not allow despite all of the good will & credibility Mark generated b/c his son had ZERO experience.
That is 3 points 1) Didn't do a coaching search. 2) Hire a retired Mark Richt. AND 3) Bring his son in.

Any reasonable person would understand this as you saying Richt was a bad hire lol. I mean we didn't do a search before hiring Cristobal, nobody cares because they think the hire is good. Richt wasn't coming without his son. So again we're back to hiring Richt as the main negative point.... Hey we're all allowed an opinion. And it's my opinion that that opinion is bad, especially when being used to make negative points about Blake. Just unnecessary.

not just the hiring of Richt, but the lack of coaching search in the hire.
And in your reply by saying "not just the hiring of Richt" you are literally saying that is one of the reasons... yet you're mad I'd dare "put words in your mouth" about you thinking the Richt hire was bad... If the Richt hire wasn't a central focus of that point, you would have ONLY said something like:

"James ****ed up by not doing a full coaching search after Golden was fired, and not forcing Richt to keep his son off-field like at UGA"

Packs shoe broke. As you point out - there are over hundreds to thousands of games (and practices) played each season without that happening - whether it be Nike or Adidas. Not sure how you saying over 1.2k games are played (with only 1 instance of a shoe blowing up), is somehow proving it wasn't "fluke happenstance". In fact you pointing at how many games (and practices) are played without that happening kinda implies it is a fluke occurrence.

The stadium being a football stadium absolutely impacts the time it took to get to the locker room, back, then back to the locker room for the correct size, then back again.... It being an NFL stadium increased the time, because NORMALLY the basketball would be played in a basketball stadium, which would have the locker room closer (like if it were a home game at the BUC), especially when you account for the fact the equipment runner ran there 4 times.

Yall complaining about his shoe breaking is absolutely dumb imo, but it's whatever. What is truly dumbass territory are the ones *****ing about them not having any backups or how long it took to get him the backup as if that is anyone's fault BUT the equipment manager.

To be clear, I am not saying there have only ever been 2 shoe problems in the past six years. I am saying there have been two prominent shoe problems WITH NO BACKUP PLAN over the past six years. And, as mentioned earlier, Zion was wearing a Nike model that really wasn't built FOR HIM.

But anyone who doesn't think that players have shoe issues more frequently, whether it's shoelaces, blisters, foot-swelling, or smaller issues of ripping/tearing in the shoes...well, then, you just don't watch enough basketball.

So, NO, this isn't "fluke happenstance", this is poor shoe quality compounded by lack of support. If adidas wants to provide a top player with a shoe that is not available on the market (the Dame 7 in the Miami colorway), then you provide the kid with a half-dozen back-up pairs. As I pointed out earlier in the thread, I have the exact shoe that Pack wears, and I bought it in June 2022. All that nonsense from @Canedude08 about how adidas provides more shoes throughout the year was just a bunch of falsified hot air. Pack has been wearing the same Dame 7 all season, and I should know. I saw that shoe at Game 7 in Orlando in November, and I saw that same shoe at Game 37 in Houston this weekend.

Again, we all know you are going to spin this any way you choose, to make adidas look better. We get it. Sure, this is the fault of being in a "football stadium". When the distance to the locker room is, what, another 100 feet? Another 200 feet? And you keep trying to blame the poor undergraduate Equipment Manager, while you ignore the fact that it has already been established that NIJEL PACK didn't have a back-up pair. So the Equipment Manager was busy raiding the backup supplies for all the other players on the team.

But, yeah, adidas is perfect. adidas did nothing wrong. adidas makes an amazing shoe that never falls apart, except under fluke happenstance...
This is also not the first time a lighter player blew through a shoe.

When Zion blew through the PG 2.5, it actually was due to his shoe being designed for the lighter, combo guard type of player. I still recall Paul George being upset about that & wondering what happened, & it was clear Zion’s force was not geared for that type of shoe. He should’ve been in some CB34, LBJs, etc. that are designed for the bigger, more powerful athlete. It’s also why his Zion’s JBs are built for his type compared to the other JB shoes.

to be fair, zion has barely played hoops since then lol.
Your exact words:

That is 3 points 1) Didn't do a coaching search. 2) Hire a retired Mark Richt. AND 3) Bring his son in.

Any reasonable person would understand this as you saying Richt was a bad hire lol. I mean we didn't do a search before hiring Cristobal, nobody cares because they think the hire is good. Richt wasn't coming without his son. So again we're back to hiring Richt as the main negative point.... Hey we're all allowed an opinion. And it's my opinion that that opinion is bad, especially when being used to make negative points about Blake. Just unnecessary.

And in your reply by saying "not just the hiring of Richt" you are literally saying that is one of the reasons... yet you're mad I'd dare "put words in your mouth" about you thinking the Richt hire was bad... If the Richt hire wasn't a central focus of that point, you would have ONLY said something like:

"James ****ed up by not doing a full coaching search after Golden was fired, and not forcing Richt to keep his son off-field like at UGA"
most teams dont do lengthy searches if they zero in on their top candidate (we complained about manny being done without a search but we hired mario the same way and that goes for richt too). richt was our best hire since butch and it isnt close. mario will be 2 maybe 1 but we neeed results (richt won 9 and 10 before his health fell apart).
Merely screaming something, without supporting evidence isn't the flex the cultists believe it is. Amazing how actual journalists, with actual sources could put in print that the deal was MANY TIMES MORE, and Nike refused to match(which was my point), but that doesn't matter. However, some random message board poster just magically knows that one guy unilaterally ignored the better deal for unknown reasons. I know that a lot of our fanbase believes that people can do things around campus without consequences, but if Blake James was unilaterally doing things, things that cost the University money, best believe he would have been FIRED for it. No one, I repeat, NO ONE runs anything on campus without any oversight.

First, I have to laugh at the "actual journalists, with actual sources" nonsense. Did you honestly think that nobody would cut-and-paste this "actual journalist-actual source" bullcrap?

"A person familiar with the contract terms told The Associated Press that the deal is worth "multiple times" more than Miami's previous arrangement with Nike, which chose not to match Adidas' offer. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because neither side authorized the release of specific financial terms."

Do you know what that is? IT WAS BETA BLAKE JAMES TELLING AP SOMETHING, BUT PROVIDING NO PROOF. So hear you are, dancing around naked, acting like you just stuffed something in our faces, when the ACTUAL QUOTE indicates...nothing...provides...NO EVIDENCE...nope, just an "anonymous source" telling AP about how much better the new adidas contract was than the old Nike contract.

You really aren't very bright, are you? You do realize you are trying to compare the OLD Nike contract to the NEW adidas contract, right?

Second, as for why Blake James was fired, yes, one of the primary reasons was the mismanagement of this adidas contract. Soooo...thank you for making our point.

Sadly, too much time went by when Frenk was NOT monitoring Beta Blake. Once Frenk put Joe Echevarria and Rudy Fernandez on the oversight patrol, Beta Blake was fired within weeks.
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Pls say it again for the ppl in the back. Got ****; thank u!

Edit: and u ain’t gotta speak very loudly b/c it’s only two! Lol
To be fair, when Brooklyn played, it was a different time. I heard rumblings about Nike around the Golden era.
Merely screaming something, without supporting evidence isn't the flex the cultists believe it is. Amazing how actual journalists, with actual sources could put in print that the deal was MANY TIMES MORE, and Nike refused to match(which was my point), but that doesn't matter. However, some random message board poster just magically knows that one guy unilaterally ignored the better deal for unknown reasons. I know that a lot of our fanbase believes that people can do things around campus without consequences, but if Blake James was unilaterally doing things, things that cost the University money, best believe he would have been FIRED for it. No one, I repeat, NO ONE runs anything on campus without any oversight.

Who's gonna tell him?

Blake James was fired.
i dont go to all canes anymore since caneswear opened

Fair enough. So maybe don't comment on AllCanes' selection. Harry has also opened a location in the Aventura Mall, but neither Aventura nor the OG store have the same square footage as CanesWear or the Bookstore.

But Harry shares inventory with the UM bookstore, and can rotate merch so that he has the best-selling stuff at the smaller stores.
Fair enough. So maybe don't comment on AllCanes' selection. Harry has also opened a location in the Aventura Mall, but neither Aventura nor the OG store have the same square footage as CanesWear or the Bookstore.

But Harry shares inventory with the UM bookstore, and can rotate merch so that he has the best-selling stuff at the smaller stores.
pretty sure the AM location closed (source: i grew up 5 min from that mall and my parents still live around there). that location was never going to survive. the mall rent is sky high and its very upscale. a better location would be either dolphin or pembroke pines (like the miami heat do with their stores)

also, the bookstore used to have good stuff when i was in undergrad but every time i go back, it seems meh.
pretty sure the AM location closed (source: i grew up 5 min from that mall and my parents still live around there). that location was never going to survive. the mall rent is sky high and its very upscale

That may be true, plus he opened some time around Covid (just before/just after?).

Agree that Aventura is a tough spot with high rent.
That may be true, plus he opened some time around Covid (just before/just after?).

Agree that Aventura is a tough spot with high rent.
i believe it was before covid. it didnt last long at all. i grew up there and that market plus that location was a kill zone. at least he pulled the plug quick. last time i went to that mall (2 months ago), it wasnt there and honestly, that mall isnt attracting lower end retailers like all canes. theres a reason the heat didnt open up a store there but they did open up in west broward.