MEGA New Miami Adidas Ultraboost🔥 - The Shoe and Nike/Adidas Thread.

for a dude w a ton of money, he cant dress for ****. guess money cant buy style. it can buy a stylist though he should 100 percent invest in.

for a dude w a ton of money, he cant dress for ****. guess money cant buy style. it can buy a stylist though he should 100 percent invest in.

Honestly, a lot of ppl w/ $$ dress regular; it’s the ones w/o $$ that try to flex. My late grandfather was a multimillionaire & u would never know it. No flashy cars, dresses hella casual & at times too comfortable w/ holes in his t-shirts. Why? B/c he wanted ppl to assume he was broke & he would be left alone for stick up boys & money grubbing family members.
Honestly, a lot of ppl w/ $$ dress regular; it’s the ones w/o $$ that try to flex. My late grandfather was a multimillionaire & u would never know it. No flashy cars, dresses hella casual & at times too comfortable w/ holes in his t-shirts. Why? B/c he wanted ppl to assume he was broke & he would be left alone for stick up boys & money grubbing family members.
No one left to impress when your bank account is overflowing. Dressing down and being incognito keeps the buzzards from circling overhead.
Absolutely correct. I didn't want to be the first person to say it, but those shoes were the reason he went to Nike.

U r 100% correct. Nike had a Greek games at the Fox Hill Mall in Culver City, CA when Kobe first joined Nike. The winning team were gifted Kobe’s Hurraches. That’s actually how I got connected w/ Nike & met my frat brother. I can unequivocally confirm Kobe hated his Adidas’ designs & they were rigid shoes. I know they’ve improved their designs, but my point is, Adidas deaded these joints; they brought them back RIGHT AFTER Kobe’s death trying to capitalize off of his fans’ emotions. It’s a bush league move, & they’ve rebranded them as “Crazy 1’s” instead of Crazy 8’s.
Nobody loves fashion more than the poors. MF'ers be out there with 5k$ sneaker collections and no car.

I had homies in The Projects in L.A spending $1000’s on older car’s hydraulics, rims, sound systems, etc. still living in the hood talking about how nobody gives af bout them in this community, & how stuck they were.

Just to keep the peace since I didn’t know everyone around the scene, I would keep quiet; but, in my head I would be like if ya’ll mofos spent that same energy spending or saving ur money for a better future vs. throwing it away on depreciable items to look fresh & floss, ya’ll would’ve been out this piece!
I had homies in The Projects in L.A spending $1000’s on older car’s hydraulics, rims, sound systems, etc. still living in the hood talking about how nobody gives af bout them in this community, & how stuck they were.

Just to keep the peace since I didn’t know everyone around the scene, I would keep quiet; but, in my head I would be like if ya’ll mofos spent that same energy spending or saving ur money for a better future vs. throwing it away on depreciable items to look fresh & floss, ya’ll would’ve been out this piece!
When I was in HS and a few years afterward, had friends spending 100’s of $$$ on chrome rims, stereos for their cars, and eating fast food 3 times a day. Many thought I was “square” or cheap. I had a nice ride but saved my $$$ and closed on my 1st house on my 22nd birthday while many were still living with their parents or in a one room apartment.
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I had homies in The Projects in L.A spending $1000’s on older car’s hydraulics, rims, sound systems, etc. still living in the hood talking about how nobody gives af bout them in this community, & how stuck they were.

Just to keep the peace since I didn’t know everyone around the scene, I would keep quiet; but, in my head I would be like if ya’ll mofos spent that same energy spending or saving ur money for a better future vs. throwing it away on depreciable items to look fresh & floss, ya’ll would’ve been out this piece!
you guys know you can dress better without breaking your wallet right? this is why fast fashion became a thing and why places like Zara and HnM do so well overall. they offer the latest designs for a lot less bc their clothing quality sucks
When I was in HS and a few years afterward, had friends spending 100’s of $$$ on chrome rims, stereos for their cars, and eating fast food 3 times a day. Many thought I was “square” or cheap. I had a nice ride but saved my $$$ and closed on my 1st house on my 22nd birthday while many were still living with their parents or in a one room apartment.
nowadays w house prices, its nearly impossible for any 22 year old who attended a non state school to close on anything. you're already in the hole before you even begin your professional life. not to mention, undergrad degrees are generally worthless now.
nowadays w house prices, its nearly impossible for any 22 year old who attended a non state school to close on anything. you're already in the hole before you even begin your professional life. not to mention, undergrad degrees are generally worthless now.
Undergrad degree fees are nothing but entertainment $$$ for others to watch shows like tonight...
nowadays w house prices, its nearly impossible for any 22 year old who attended a non state school to close on anything. you're already in the hole before you even begin your professional life. not to mention, undergrad degrees are generally worthless now.
I had only a HS diploma at the time. Worked my *** off and saved every nickel I could.

Just a few weeks ago, a young couple - early 30’s - bought the house next door. Listed for $325K but after a bidding war, I’m guessing they paid $340K.

They said they put some money down so I’m guessing they financed $300K. $300K @ 5% is about $1500 a month P & I. Add another $300 for taxes and insurance for a monthly mortgage payment of $1800.

Both have bachelor’s degrees - wife’s in marketing and he’s in sales. They had the entire interior painted before they moved in and bought all new furniture. Both drive fairly new cars.

All that to say the real estate market right now is crazy but people are still buying. I can’t imagine an $1800 a month mortgage payment.