MEGA New Miami Adidas Ultraboost🔥 - The Shoe and Nike/Adidas Thread.

Last thing actions do have consequences but there is bigger picture if you see it, a man has the first ammendment right. Without braking any laws everything was taken away from him for using his fIrst ammendment. So when we go to a stage of digital currency and social score, how do you think the normal people will fare.
This statement makes me think you do not actually know what the first amendment is, or do not know what the phrase actions have consequences means, or both.

This statement makes me think you do not actually know what the first amendment is, or do not know what the phrase actions have consequences means, or both.
Lol. First Amendment = free speech. Do you want to add anything else? What actions did ye do or say to have the consequences to not have a bank account, no social media etc.
Example Jeffery eppstein was charged for *** trafficking minors and this guy still had his bank account, social media etc.
That's all I wanted to add.
Lol. First Amendment = free speech. Do you want to add anything else? What actions did ye do or say to have the consequences to not have a bank account, no social media etc.
Example Jeffery eppstein was charged for *** trafficking minors and this guy still had his bank account, social media etc.
That's all I wanted to add.
So no, you are not clear on what the 1st amendment is.
Free speech can have the consequences to lose friends or jobs but not your bank account, social media etc. Does that help you? My point was him losing things he shouldn't be lost

You really are not clear on what the First Amendment is. Nor do you understand who/what the First Amendment applies to (and I already told you, it ONLY applies to the government).

So, yes, you CAN lose "your bank account, social media, etc." without it being a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment doesn't cover that. You can say whatever you want about what Kanye should or shouldn't lose, but you are factually incorrect.

Besides, nobody has taken away a single one of Kanye West's bank accounts, though there will be a lot less money in those bank accounts soon. If you don't think there will be economic repercussions to hate speech, you are sorely mistaken.

And, yes, social media accounts can absolutely be suspended for violating the rules of those forums, since all of the social media companies are non-governmental-owned corporations.

Please do what Kanye is not capable of doing: consider the option of not speaking when you don't know what you are talking about.

The First Amendment is not some abstract idea on which people can form their own alternate opinions, it is a written document that can be read and applied. You don't get to take a second-grader-level analytical shortcut and type "First Amendment = free speech". Wrong. That's not what the First Amendment is. The First Amendment does not guarantee that you can engage in hate speech and that other individuals are forced to continue to do business with you.

And I'm not so sure that the "truth and/or balls" defense is the right argument to cite when you are confronted with the option to adopt or repudiate someone else's hate speech. Just trying to help you out before you go past the point of no return.
Fit, complete.


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Saw Aaron Donald and Jaylen Green left Donda as well.

I mean its going off the rails bad and while I have zero interest in anything Kardashian it makes you wonder what really went on there.
Free speech can have the consequences to lose friends or jobs but not your bank account, social media etc

You really are not clear on what the First Amendment is. Nor do you understand who/what the First Amendment applies to (and I already told you, it ONLY applies to the government).

So, yes, you CAN lose "your bank account, social media, etc." without it being a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment doesn't cover that. You can say whatever you want about what Kanye should or shouldn't lose, but you are factually incorrect.

Besides, nobody has taken away a single one of Kanye West's bank accounts, though there will be a lot less money in those bank accounts soon. If you don't think there will be economic repercussions to hate speech, you are sorely mistaken.

And, yes, social media accounts can absolutely be suspended for violating the rules of those forums, since all of the social media companies are non-governmental-owned corporations.

Please do what Kanye is not capable of doing: consider the option of not speaking when you don't know what you are talking about.

The First Amendment is not some abstract idea on which people can form their own alternate opinions, it is a written document that can be read and applied. You don't get to take a second-grader-level analytical shortcut and type "First Amendment = free speech". Wrong. That's not what the First Amendment is. The First Amendment does not guarantee that you can engage in hate speech and that other individuals are forced to continue to do business with you.

And I'm not so sure that the "truth and/or balls" defense is the right argument to cite when you are confronted with the option to adopt or repudiate someone else's hate speech. Just trying to help you out before you go past the point of no return.
Lol your a funny guy. You are harping on his "hate speech " which a 1 to 2 minute snipet on what the media said to make a conclusion that ye is cray.

Instead of writing to me in which I said I didn't want to get into, watch or listen the multiple interviews of ye, that are at least 3 hours on what he whole point on what he is doing.

Chase stopped banking with ye. My main thing was listen to what he has to say and the point of him calling out the elites and being "canceled". Same happened to that guy andrew tate.
Adidas dropped Kanye
..but no one says anything about the hateful rhetoric of Lebron

.. famous stars and athletes have said things and done things far worse than what Kanye said and nothing has been done to them and the mob did not come out and try to cancel them. There is only 1 REASON why the cancel/woke mob is trying to take Kanye down and punish him.
Lol your a funny guy. You are harping on his "hate speech " which a 1 to 2 minute snipet on what the media said to make a conclusion that ye is cray.

Instead of writing to me in which I said I didn't want to get into, watch or listen the multiple interviews of ye, that are at least 3 hours on what he whole point on what he is doing.

Chase stopped banking with ye. My main thing was listen to what he has to say and the point of him calling out the elites and being "canceled". Same happened to that guy andrew tate.

You are clueless.

First, I made a comment to someone else (not you) that was a joking rhyme, about "Ye is cray". But then you felt compelled to intervene in order to tell us that Kanye was just "telling the truth" and "displaying his balls".

Then you tried to act like you knew anything about the First Amendment and mental health diagnosis and/or mental health law, of which I know far more than you do (even if you want to whine about that). I made it clear that I was not making a medical diagnosis, nor do I "worship" anyone, nor am I calling for any particular action. I very clearly said that Kanye's words and actions are alienating his business partners, his customers, and the general public, and that all of those things are damaging things that he claims to value, such as "calling him a billionaire in news articles" (and he is no longer a billionaire) as well as all of his business partnerships, which are dying as he continues his barrage of hate speech.

And, sure, you are going to try to play the game of "you have to listen to ALL THREE HOURS OF HIS HATE SPEECH TO UNDERSTAND AND APPRECIATE HIS HATE SPEECH" nonsense. I don't need to listen to translations of Hitler's speeches to know what he was saying, I don't need to understand all of his context to parse Hitler's "facts" and "balls" when he blamed the Jews for everything bad that happened to Germany after Germany started World War I.

Look, I realize you don't know what you are talking about with Chase Bank. Chase Bank stopped its business partnership with Kanye. Chase Bank did not seize any of his bank accounts, which would be highly illegal. And I don't know who Andrew Tate is, nor do I care.

Yes, "cancellation" is a potential consequence of spewing hate speech. It's perfectly legal and perfectly acceptable. There's not a law of any country on this planet that forces people to interact with a person (in business or in private) who spouts off about going "Death Con 3" on "the Jews". We are free to associate (or not associate) with whomever we like. If Kanye is too ignorant or crazy or stupid or out-of-control to realize that the hate speech that he is uttering will have some negative implications for his business interests, then that's on him.

And you really aren't doing yourself any favors by continuing to insist that somehow, some way, if you just listen to Kanye long enough, that he's actually "right" or "brave" about the horrible things that he is saying.

People have a right to defend themselves. Kanye might not have a sense of history or perspective, but the things that he has said are comparable to things that were said about African-American slaves and European Jews over the past few hundred years. Kanye's words are being repeated and defended by admitted racists. I have no problem with any African-Americans or ****** people who now, after Kanye's diatribes, want nothing more to do with him. That is their choice. If people do NOT step up to defend themselves from stereotyping and false-blaming and racism, then there absolutely will be historical repetition of enslavement and/or genocide.

Kanye could probably salvage half of what he has lost in the past few weeks if he would just apologize, seek assistance, and end the hate speech against his own people (whether those people are African-American or ******, as he claims to be). But if he can't grasp that, then he will burn down everything that he has built.

Again, this thread is about adidas. And Miami needs to terminate its deal with adidas. For many reasons, including not wanting to be associated with this nonsense.
First Amendment issues aside....

Do we want to live in a world where what you say can mean the utter destruction of your livelihood or economic opportunity? What happens when the next gaggle of business leaders/politicians decide that, say, anti-police rhetoric is hate speech - should folks lose mortgages, banking accounts, websites, income, partnerships etc as a result?

The knife cuts in all directions, eventually. If you ask me, I see Hate Speech on every single major news channel I flip on. Why aren't they driven off the air, their website hosting yanked, their ability to sell/market products limited, etc?
..but no one says anything about the hateful rhetoric of Lebron

.. famous stars and athletes have said things and done things far worse than what Kanye said and nothing has been done to them and the mob did not come out and try to cancel them. There is only 1 REASON why the cancel/woke mob is trying to take Kanye down and punish him.

Oh, yeah, the king of "what-about-ism" is here now.

Perhaps people have gotten away with too much in the past. That doesn't justify continuing to do nothing.
First Amendment issues aside....

Do we want to live in a world where what you say can mean the utter destruction of your livelihood or economic opportunity? What happens when the next gaggle of business leaders/politicians decide that, say, anti-police rhetoric is hate speech - should folks lose mortgages, banking accounts, websites, income, partnerships etc as a result?

The knife cuts in all directions, eventually. If you ask me, I see Hate Speech on every single major news channel I flip on. Why aren't they driven off the air, their website hosting yanked, their ability to sell/market products limited, etc?

Here we go again with the false equivalencies.

We have always lived in a world where what you say can mean the utter destruction of your livelihood or economic opportunity. Most of world history is full of such instances. Kings and queens have wiped out entire family lines on a whim for thousands of years.

This is the real problem with many people today, they think they can say anything they want and that there will be no financial repercussions at all.

And stop with the bullcrap about "anti-police rhetoric" being hate speech, unless you think that the police have ever been enslaved for hundreds of years, or put into concentration camps and killed in the millions.

There is a difference. Playing your little "slippery slope" game and trying to equate NWA's "Fvck The Police" with slavery or the Holocaust is just ridiculous.

Let's stick to the adidas Ultraboost like this thread was intended to do. It's a great shoe, but there are plenty of great Nike alternatives.
Here we go again with the false equivalencies.

We have always lived in a world where what you say can mean the utter destruction of your livelihood or economic opportunity. Most of world history is full of such instances. Kings and queens have wiped out entire family lines on a whim for thousands of years.

This is the real problem with many people today, they think they can say anything they want and that there will be no financial repercussions at all.

And stop with the bullcrap about "anti-police rhetoric" being hate speech, unless you think that the police have ever been enslaved for hundreds of years, or put into concentration camps and killed in the millions.

There is a difference. Playing your little "slippery slope" game and trying to equate NWA's "Fvck The Police" with slavery or the Holocaust is just ridiculous.

Let's stick to the adidas Ultraboost like this thread was intended to do. It's a great shoe, but there are plenty of great Nike alternatives.

Have u put ur foot in the new Nike Zoom X?
Holy ****balls, what a seriously twisted turn this thread took. If you want to talk Kanye or free speech, please start a thread in the OT forum. If I see another one in here, it's getting deleted and the poster gets a thread ban.