MEGA New Miami Adidas Ultraboost🔥 - The Shoe and Nike/Adidas Thread.

I think that entire line is dead or at least it should be.
They're still going to make them as they said they're “sole owner of all design rights to existing products as well as previous and new colorways under the partnership"
I wonder if yeezy’s become collectibles now


As I’ve been alluding to for yrs, it’s finally come to fruition. It’s not just the Ye situation, this has been months in the making. Hence, y we need to leave Adidas, NOW!


As I’ve been alluding to for yrs, it’s finally come to fruition. It’s not just the Ye situation, this has been months in the making. Hence, y we need to leave Adidas, NOW!


Setting aside all feelings, and just being a businessperson...

adidas has had way too many revenue eggs in one basket for too long, and...

You can't say or do things that alienate or offend your customer base, nobody's attributes can replace lost customers. Period.

Everyone's entitled to opinions, even crazy ones. But business is business.

Ye just lost nearly half of his net worth, and he's worried about whether reporters are going to call him a "billionaire" in news articles, and expecting titans of industry to cover his **** because, what, he sang karaoke with them one time? He's really not grasping reality and consequences right now.

UM needs to terminate the adidas contract immediately. Cite the PR impact of Ye and Adi Dassler in the South Florida community. Maybe things are different in College Station, but we need to GTFO now.

Setting aside all feelings, and just being a businessperson...

adidas has had way too many revenue eggs in one basket for too long, and...

You can't say or do things that alienate or offend your customer base, nobody's attributes can replace lost customers. Period.

Everyone's entitled to opinions, even crazy ones. But business is business.

Ye just lost nearly half of his net worth, and he's worried about whether reporters are going to call him a "billionaire" in news articles, and expecting titans of industry to cover his **** because, what, he sang karaoke with them one time? He's really not grasping reality and consequences right now.

UM needs to terminate the adidas contract immediately. Cite the PR impact of Ye and Adi Dassler in the South Florida community. Maybe things are different in College Station, but we need to GTFO now.

Yeah, & this article needs to get to ppl in the right hands.

We were never a good fit w/ them. Their entire business plan was suspect. They’ve showed themselves to be untrustworthy & unstable.
Ye is cray.

I don't want to get into it to much. But unless you watch and read the full things he has been saying and doing. He is not cray just telling the truth and has balls.

Billionaire being fully removed from society, what do you think they will do us regular people. Media made him look crazy, Mel Gibson, David Chapelle n more.
I don't want to get into it to much. But unless you watch and read the full things he has been saying and doing. He is not cray just telling the truth and has balls.

Billionaire being fully removed from society, what do you think they will do us regular people. Media made him look crazy, Mel Gibson, David Chapelle n more.
I don't want to get into it to much. But unless you watch and read the full things he has been saying and doing. He is not cray just telling the truth and has balls.

Billionaire being fully removed from society, what do you think they will do us regular people. Media made him look crazy, Mel Gibson, David Chapelle n more.

Everything you just typed is bullsh!te.

Sure, "they" really care about doing things to you and "the regular people". This is the basis of one of the more common forms of self-delusion/mental illness, the mistaken belief that some anonymous larger group of people or powers actually cares about you and wants to do anything like "remove you from society".

Mel Gibson is a mean drunk. Dave Chapelle is doing just fine, though.

Kanye is finding out that millions of people want to have nothing to do with a loud anti-Semite. That's not "the Illuminazi" talking, it's just a lot of people who don't like anti-Semitism and don't want to see the 1930s and 1940s repeated.

Actions have consequences. Too bad Kanye's mother never taught him that.
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Everything you just typed is bullsh!te.

Sure, "they" really care about doing things to you and "the regular people". This is the basis of one of the more common forms of self-delusion/mental illness, the mistaken belief that some anonymous larger group of people or powers actually cares about you and wants to do anything like "remove you from society".

Mel Gibson is a mean drunk. Dave Chapelle is doing just fine, though.

Kanye is finding out that millions of people want to have nothing to do with a loud anti-Semite. That's not "the **********" talking, it's just a lot of people who don't like anti-Semitism and don't want to see the 1930s and 1940s repeated.

Actions have consequences. Too bad Kanye's mother never taught him that.

Thank God we live in America right. You can say it's bull or not. But I believe once you really listen and read what that man has to say, it makes sense. And not the small videos that social media cuts up.

I've seen your posts before. I see what you write but those facts you have missing info to make it complete.

Your calling a man, mentally ill, that I bet you worshiped his talents and abilities before he started his journey. Without giving him a a fair shot.

Like I said this is the wrong forum, wrong place to prove otherwise. You can have your opinion, I respect that but I hope you give it time to go through all the facts unfiltered before your final decision.

Last thing actions do have consequences but there is bigger picture if you see it, a man has the first ammendment right. Without braking any laws everything was taken away from him for using his fIrst ammendment. So when we go to a stage of digital currency and social score, how do you think the normal people will fare.
Thank God we live in America right. You can say it's bull or not. But I believe once you really listen and read what that man has to say, it makes sense. And not the small videos that social media cuts up.

I've seen your posts before. I see what you write but those facts you have missing info to make it complete.

Your calling a man, mentally ill, that I bet you worshiped his talents and abilities before he started his journey. Without giving him a a fair shot.

Like I said this is the wrong forum, wrong place to prove otherwise. You can have your opinion, I respect that but I hope you give it time to go through all the facts unfiltered before your final decision.

Last thing actions do have consequences but there is bigger picture if you see it, a man has the first ammendment right. Without braking any laws everything was taken away from him for using his fIrst ammendment. So when we go to a stage of digital currency and social score, how do you think the normal people will fare.

I didn't say he was mentally ill. Unlike you, I know way more about the various kinds of mental illness, I took a mental health law class in law school, and there are all kinds of conditions, some more serious and difficult to deal with than others.

What Kanye West is struggling with is the inability to control his baser impulses, to realize he is doing things that imperil all the things he claims to want/need in his life, such as his artistic and business pursuits.

What is worse, though, is that you have no concept of what the First Amendment is. The First Amendment merely limits THE GOVERNMENT from restraining speech (although there are numerous exceptions). You can't run around screaming "First Amendment" to try to prevent INDIVIDUALS from responding to your speech, and choosing to shun a person who engages in discriminatory, racist, and/or hateful speech.

Nothing is being "taken away" from Kanye West. He is freely throwing it all away, because of an inability to conduct himself as an actual businessperson would do so.

As for "worshipping" a man's talents and abilities...nope. Don't pull that bullcrap on me. I don't worship any man, regardless of talents and abilities. Just because we can objectively enjoy a person's artistic expression of a song or movie or TV show doesn't mean that we can't also reject that same person's "real life" behavior. When I was growing up, I wasn't so stupid to think that everything that Ice Cube or Eazy E rapped about were literal statements of things they had actually done. I can separate acting/singing from actual real life. I know Spider-Man isn't a real-life person, even though I've been reading the comic book since I was 5.

Again, you have delusions of grandeur if you think anyone "with power" cares about how you, or "the normal people" will fare. Sadly, nobody really cares about you or me or anyone, or what we do, or what we say. Nobody is coming for "you" after they "take care" of Kanye West.

Kanye is destroying himself, publicly and recklessly. Has nothing to do with the media or the man or the Illuminazis. He can't control himself or his behavior, and he is killing himself (slowly) just as much as a person who commits suicide does. I hope that he addresses his problems in private, since it is obvious that nobody either cares enough, or is capable enough, to intervene to help him. I can empathize with him and wish him the best, but I have lost sympathy for him due to the years of his persistent bullying of other people, including those with artistic talents that are similar (but different) to his. Money and fame are not carte blanche licenses to abuse everyone in his world.

And don't even get me started on his hypocritical and selective and convenient use of religion (and his mother) as a prop in the manufactured drama of his life. It's insulting to those who work hard to reflect their faith to the people they interact with everyday. Sorry, but Kanye is a person who has lost his way, and I hope he can find his way back.

I'm praying for Kanye.

I'm also praying for Miami to cut ties with adidas, and that's what this thread is all about, so let's get back to that, shall we.
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I didn't say he was mentally ill. Unlike you, I know way more about the various kinds of mental illness, I took a mental health law class in law school, and there are all kinds of conditions, some more serious and difficult to deal with than others.

What Kanye West is struggling with is the inability to control his baser impulses, to realize he is doing things that imperil all the things he claims to want/need in his life, such as his artistic and business pursuits.

What is worse, though, is that you have no concept if what the First Amendment is (or even how to spell it). The First Amendment merely limits THE GOVERNMENT from restraining speech (although there are numerous exceptions). You can't run around screaming "First Amendment" to try to prevent INDIVIDUALS from responding to your speech, and choosing to shun a person who engages in discriminatory, racist, and/or hateful speech.

Nothing is being "taken away" from Kanye West. He is freely throwing it all away, because of an inability to conduct himself as an actual businessperson would do so.

As for "worshipping" a man's talents and abilities...nope. Don't pull that bullcrap on me. I don't worship any man, regardless of talents and abilities. Just because we can objectively enjoy a person's artistic expression of a song or movie or TV show doesn't mean that we can't also reject that same person's "real life" behavior. When I was growing up, I wasn't so stupid to think that everything that Ice Cube or Eazy E rapped about were literal statements of things they had actually done. I can separate acting/singing from actual real life. I know Spider-Man isn't a real-life person, even though I've been reading the comic book since I was 5.

Again, you have delusions of grandeur if you think anyone "with power" cares about how you, or "the normal people" will fare. Sadly, nobody really cares about you or me or anyone, or what we do, or what we say. Nobody is coming for "you" after they "take care" of Kanye West.

Kanye is destroying himself, publicly and recklessly. Has nothing to do with the media or the man or the **********. He can't control himself or his behavior, and he is killing himself (slowly) just as much as a person who commits suicide does. I hope that he addresses his problems in private, since it is obvious that nobody either cares enough, or is capable enough, to intervene to help him. I can empathize with him and wish him the best, but I have lost sympathy for him due to the years of his persistent bullying of other people, including those with artistic talents that are similar (but different) to his. Money and fame are not carte blanche licenses to abuse everyone in his world.

And don't even get me started on his hypocritical and selective and convenient use of religion (and his mother) as a prop in the manufactured drama of his life. It's insulting to those who work hard to reflect their faith to the people they interact with everyday. Sorry, but Kanye is a person who has lost his way, and I hope he can find his way back.

Ok man I know you love this. On your first sentence saying you know more than me on anything says everything about you.
And now your going after little things as spelling. Grow up and when you want a regular convo over beer. Let me know. I can't even talk you serious. Lol

Other than that fck adidas...and let's go Miami
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Thank God we live in America right. You can say it's bull or not. But I believe once you really listen and read what that man has to say, it makes sense. And not the small videos that social media cuts up.

I've seen your posts before. I see what you write but those facts you have missing info to make it complete.

Your calling a man, mentally ill, that I bet you worshiped his talents and abilities before he started his journey. Without giving him a a fair shot.

Like I said this is the wrong forum, wrong place to prove otherwise. You can have your opinion, I respect that but I hope you give it time to go through all the facts unfiltered before your final decision.

Last thing actions do have consequences but there is bigger picture if you see it, a man has the first ammendment right. Without braking any laws everything was taken away from him for using his fIrst ammendment. So when we go to a stage of digital currency and social score, how do you think the normal people will fare.

I try not to get involved in such topics, but some things I will comment on.

Here’s the thing; I’m not a clinical psychologist, but I’ve had enough experience, personally, to make an honest & earnest observation.

Ye has a brilliant, artistic mind; that does not mean he’s brilliant. The problem w/ Ye is that he appears to suffer from borderline personality disorder. He may be bipolar, which has become the new clinical term that’s broad in nature; kind of like those who suffer from body aches classified w/ the blanket diagnosis of fibromyalgia, when’s there’s something more specific involved.

Imo, only b/c I was married to one, he appears as a narcissist. Ye, even most recently, have made comments in regards to himself in a manner that is beyond just self esteem. He’s referred to himself as a god, a king, and basically have stated w/o him, there would be no fashion.

He’s polarizing, controversial, and fascinating. He absolutely has the right to express himself verbally in any way he chooses, but as u alluded to, actions comes w/ consequences. His first amendment right to say or express his thoughts are completely in tact, he won’t get jailed for his statements; but, the public also have their rights to respond in a certain way if they feel offended. When Neo-***** are ur biggest supporters, there’s probably going to raise some red flag concerns.

Based upon alllll the burnt bridges in his business & personal life (and I’m close to one of those situations), the common denominator is Ye. One minute he’s gassing u up, & the next he’s stabbing u in the back unprovoked. If imma be honest, his “genius” is based upon other’s designs/lyrics/beats before him, & instead of acknowledging his inspiration from those b4 him, he credits himself.

Anyways, I hope he finds whatever he needs, but in the meantime, Adidas has bigger issues than Ye & we don’t need to be caught in their financial woes. Time to more bounce to the ounce.
I try not to get involved in such topics, but some things I will comment on.

Here’s the thing; I’m not a clinical psychologist, but I’ve had enough experience, personally, to make an honest & earnest observation.

Ye has a brilliant, artistic mind; that does not mean he’s brilliant. The problem w/ Ye is that he appears to suffer from borderline personality disorder. He may be bipolar, which has become the new clinical term that’s broad in nature; kind of like those who suffer from body aches classified w/ the blanket diagnosis of fibromyalgia, when’s there’s something more specific involved.

Imo, only b/c I was married to one, he appears as a narcissist. Ye, even most recently, have made comments in regards to himself in a manner that is beyond just self esteem. He’s referred to himself as a god, a king, and basically have stated w/o him, there would be no fashion.

He’s polarizing, controversial, and fascinating. He absolutely has the right to express himself verbally in any way he chooses, but as u alluded to, actions comes w/ consequences. His first amendment right to say or express his thoughts are completely in tact, he won’t get jailed for his statements; but, the public also have their rights to respond in a certain way if they feel offended. When Neo-***** are ur biggest supporters, there’s probably going to raise some red flag concerns.

Based upon alllll the burnt bridges in his business & personal life (and I’m close to one of those situations), the common denominator is Ye. One minute he’s gassing u up, & the next he’s stabbing u in the back unprovoked. If imma be honest, his “genius” is based upon other’s designs/lyrics/beats before him, & instead of acknowledging his inspiration from those b4 him, he credits himself.

Anyways, I hope he finds whatever he needs, but in the meantime, Adidas has bigger issues than Ye & we don’t need to be caught in their financial woes. Time to more bounce to the ounce.
Generally supportive of Kanye and yet can take your points largely as valid. Good post.