Never Thought I'd Say This, But Duke and Coach K ARE Dirty

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I know, everybody here hates Duke already, and they get all the calls, and Coach K works over the officials to get the calls, and blah blah blah.

But I'm a Miami native and UM alum who has always been a Duke Basketball fan (when they aren't playing Miami of course). I always believed that Duke players were held to a higher academic standard (though maybe not quite on par with non-athletes there). I once read that Grant Hill had a 1350 SAT and played classical piano - yet he still was one of the best to play the college game. I liked that about Duke, and I liked that Coach K ran that kind of program, and that they could still compete for NCs without trotting out a gang of illiterate "student athletes" like their arch rivals down the road.

Then I heard this interview on the radio the other day:

I have no doubt after listening to that, and I'm sure any behavioral psychologist would pick up on the same cues I did, that Coach K is just as dirty as Pitino, Cal, and the rest of them. He is spinning a web of b.s. and Duke circled the wagons to craft a story that explains away the cheating their star player and his family have been exposed for.

Very disappointed - like someone pulled back the curtain to show a bunch of carnies running a train on my mom. I hope Coach L really is the stand up guy we all believe him to be.
There is nothing more pathetic than a Miami alum that cheers for other schools, especially ACC schools. Let me guess, Miami basketball wasn't winning enough for your liking, so you jumped on the nicest bandwagon you could. The day I sent in that acceptance deposit(Pretty much the day I received my acceptance letter) was the day I committed to The U. I don't cheer for other schools(Outside of the occasionally rooting for SMU, my mothers alma mater), and I would never support by word or deed any school that faces Miami on a regular basis.

By the way, of course Duke is dirty. Any of these schools that are getting all elite kids have to be somewhat dirty. You really think a kid like Zion Williamson signed with Duke for the educational benefits? No, he's getting taken care of. That said, every decent player that wants to be taken care of is. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that there isn't a guy wearing orange and green that isn't getting some benefit. Whether it is getting a discount at SoleFly, or a great deal on a slightly used car, guys get taken care of.
how the f u a miami alum and duke fan. Stop reading after that.

Dawg i watched Tim James and Mario Bland play games on UPN 33. LMAO
how the f u a miami alum and duke fan. Stop reading after that.

In general, my theory is that when the person elected to be a fan of our football team they were doing great...probably the best team in the nation. At the same time, they found our basketball team was insufficient for their "needs".
Thanks for posting. Whatever you may think of Coach K, I don't see anything in that video as proving that Duke is just as dirty as some other teams out there. Don't get me wrong, they may be, but Yahoo hasn't proved it through its story. If I recall, the specific allegations regarding Duke (and UNC) both relate to a single meal with either a player or a family member -- for about $100. There is no doubt in my mind that Yahoo (and others like ESPN) added Duke and UNC to the list of named basketball programs merely as clickbait. Any report that attempts to equate these actions with the alleged payments in the tens of thousands to other players at other schools is downright irresponsible.

Doesn't anyone here remember another Yahoo Sports hatchet job, in which it (and its readers) fell hook, line and sinker for every word that a convicted Ponzi schemer alleged against OUR team?!? Yes, there was some truth in that report, but if we keep falling for the same hyperbole and claims without verification and support, we eventually lose the ability to separate out those who are trying to play within the rules from those who clearly are operating outside them.

That said, I have serious issues with any UM alum who claims allegiance to Duke without any mention of our beloved Canes! That's where YOUR credibility is lost.
Thanks for posting. Whatever you may think of Coach K, I don't see anything in that video as proving that Duke is just as dirty as some other teams out there. Don't get me wrong, they may be, but Yahoo hasn't proved it through its story. If I recall, the specific allegations regarding Duke (and UNC) both relate to a single meal with either a player or a family member -- for about $100. There is no doubt in my mind that Yahoo (and others like ESPN) added Duke and UNC to the list of named basketball programs merely as clickbait. Any report that attempts to equate these actions with the alleged payments in the tens of thousands to other players at other schools is downright irresponsible.

Doesn't anyone here remember another Yahoo Sports hatchet job, in which it (and its readers) fell hook, line and sinker for every word that a convicted Ponzi schemer alleged against OUR team?!? Yes, there was some truth in that report, but if we keep falling for the same hyperbole and claims without verification and support, we eventually lose the ability to separate out those who are trying to play within the rules from those who clearly are operating outside them.

That said, I have serious issues with any UM alum who claims allegiance to Duke without any mention of our beloved Canes! That's where YOUR credibility is lost.
He totally mentioned he roots for Miami when they play Duke. But maybe he was a Duke fan before he went to Miami. If that's the case then it's hard to just switch your favorite team.
He totally mentioned he roots for Miami when they play Duke. But maybe he was a Duke fan before he went to Miami. If that's the case then it's hard to just switch your favorite team.

Fair point -- I missed that. I was blinded by the line "UM alum who has always been a Duke Basketball fan."
I know, everybody here hates Duke already, and they get all the calls, and Coach K works over the officials to get the calls, and blah blah blah.

But I'm a Miami native and UM alum who has always been a Duke Basketball fan (when they aren't playing Miami of course). I always believed that Duke players were held to a higher academic standard (though maybe not quite on par with non-athletes there). I once read that Grant Hill had a 1350 SAT and played classical piano - yet he still was one of the best to play the college game. I liked that about Duke, and I liked that Coach K ran that kind of program, and that they could still compete for NCs without trotting out a gang of illiterate "student athletes" like their arch rivals down the road.

Then I heard this interview on the radio the other day:

I have no doubt after listening to that, and I'm sure any behavioral psychologist would pick up on the same cues I did, that Coach K is just as dirty as Pitino, Cal, and the rest of them. He is spinning a web of b.s. and Duke circled the wagons to craft a story that explains away the cheating their star player and his family have been exposed for.

Very disappointed - like someone pulled back the curtain to show a bunch of carnies running a train on my mom. I hope Coach L really is the stand up guy we all believe him to be.
Are you that devoid of analogies ... that you negatively inject your Mother?:eek:
It's either he has figured out a legitimate way to consistently win a corrupt game, or he's part of the corruption. Of course he and Duke are dirty.