ND and ACC doing the usual dance


Nov 13, 2011
Is this smoke and mirrors, rumors, actual interest.

The ACC has always been the most likely destination for ND sports less football and academics. It's a Jesuit school, small with a huge academic history and success. Private

If they are able to join sans football (just like the BE Deal) would you be happy or upset?
Wonder if we wouldn't have to bring in another school since it would not affect divisional play, as they wouldn't be part of the conference per se. Playing 6 ACC teams a year would be a financial windfall for the dukes, wakes... Of the conference. Those games would be sell outs and national TV revenues would have to increase.
Wonder if they would share bowl and TV revenues back our way?
Need to join in Football but I have no problem with some kind of side deal being worked out where they still get some NBC network type money.

Me personally I DONT GIVE A ****. It aint my money. If the only way to play them every year was in South Bend I would do it. **** ND
You only take ND if football is included. No point in giving them all the benefits of the #1 basketball conference and one of the best conferences for other sports and then get no benefit in having them for football.
I would not take ND without the football team. That's the money maker for the conference.
I think they will be in soon. I personally dont care if they are a partial member as long as its only for a couple of years and they play at least 4 acc teams a year.Means more money for the acc and us.
I think you take them with the covenant that if they ever join a conference for Football, it's the ACC. Maybe you make them schedule 3 ACC teams per year.
ND is not a Jesuit school - BC is. ND was founded by members of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, a/k/a "CSC," for Congregatio a Sancta Cruce in Latin.
im sorry but with the rumors of clemson and fsu looking elsewhere the acc has to play this smart. if ND agrees to play 4 acc teams per year and agrees to join the ACC fully in 4 years then they have to take them
They don't have to join the conference as a full time member but at a minimum on a yearly basis must play at least 6 ACC teams in football
ND is not a Jesuit school - BC is. ND was founded by members of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, a/k/a "CSC," for Congregatio a Sancta Cruce in Latin.

I stand corrected, but their original academics were fashioned with the Jesuit premise I believe
The ACC is a full membership conference and should stay that way.


I'll take ND, but I want their FB program as well. What we need to do is boost this conference's football resume; basketball is doing just fine.

And how the **** does ND accomplish this? They haven't won anything meaningful in 19 years.

Its all that matters...........
