NCAA now allows Schools to Pay for Parents to go on OV's


Aug 7, 2012
This will be a very interesting development now that schools can provide meals and travels cost to recruits parents. An I am sure there will be even more kids or parents wanting to take that recruiting visit to Miami on the schools dime.

Link to article
NCAA passes rule allowing institutions to pay for two guardians to accompany recruits on official visits

NCAA allows schools to pay for two guardians to accompany recruits on official visits

The decision to ban athletic satellite camps has dominated the headlines in recent weeks, but another rule that recently passed will also have a big impact on the NCAA and recruiting.

Proposal 2015-52 will allow institutions to pay the actual round-trip costs for a prospective student-athlete's parents or legal guardians to accompany the prospect on his official visit and will be implemented August 1, 2016.

The vote passed 14-1 with only the Sun Belt Conference voting against it, according to the NCAA's Division I Council report.

The current rule allowed for only the prospect's travel and accommodations to be paid for and prohibited schools from paying for transportation costs incurred by relatives, friends or legal guardians. Under that rule, prospects were either taking official visits by themselves or parents, guardians or high school coaches were taking on the costs to accompany the recruit on the visit.

The new rule specifies the funds will be available for transportation and meals for the parents or guardians. Prospective student-athletes are permitted to take five official visits starting on the first day of classes of the prospective student-athlete's senior year, so this rule will be in place for the Class of 2017.

This will be fun. Makes you wonder if this will make it easier for SEC schools to pluck down here now that they can pay for the parents to fly up as well. Either way it helps us with OOS recruits as well.
This will be fun. Makes you wonder if this will make it easier for SEC schools to pluck down here now that they can pay for the parents to fly up as well. Either way it helps us with OOS recruits as well.

For most big recruits their boosters have to be doing it under the table anyway so I'm not sure how much it will change things. You could argue that it would actually help Miami really. But overall I don't think it will change things much either way and I think it's a good thing.
This rule only makes sense but it will help schools outside South Florida much more than it will help Miami because Miami is where a ton of recruits live. It will help Miami with it's Jersey pipeline though.
This will be fun. Makes you wonder if this will make it easier for SEC schools to pluck down here now that they can pay for the parents to fly up as well. Either way it helps us with OOS recruits as well.

Football aside, I'm thinking a lot more parents would want to visit Miami than Orford, MS. Advantage U.
No where else in the country can rival the ambiance like an evening at the Rusty Pelican overlooking the Port of Miami and South Beach... and maybe catch D.Wade and Gabrielle in the back ground having their own dinner.. UM can't compete with the traditional schools with a big massive campus, with an on campus stadium that has the capacity to hold 80 thousand fans. UM does a great job of showing off what it does have to offer... Unfortunately that kids we want, thinks they want to go away and see something different... not realizing there is something different right in their own back yard. So recruiting efforts needs to be fashioned to expose those guys to the SOFL off their beaten path.. Take them to the parties in the abandoned warehouse with momma chula dancing on top of a Lamborghini .. and there is 30 minute wait to get in...unless of course you are a Miami Hurricane...
It also means that South Florida families will clearly be taking their full visits, if anything to see other places. I think it will take some of our local committed recruits to consider other places that are also great. I took both my daughters on college trips and some of these schools are impressive. We are UM grads but its interesting to see what other schools have to offer. We were impressed.
I do agree that some of these school were most likely doing it under the table anyways. But, this does make it easier for schools to come to SOFL an recruit. Sometimes parents cant afford to go take visit after visit so its easier for the parents to want their child to stay home because they havent seen other campuses. That will change like Uknow said its hard to compete with those traditional schools once parents see what other schools have to offer they may be more on board with their kid leaving. Now the advantage is we will be able to get more parents down to see that Coral Gables is very nice and not what some people think is "Miami". Overall, im not too sure it will change recruiting too much because it has most likely already been going on.
It also means that South Florida families will clearly be taking their full visits, if anything to see other places. I think it will take some of our local committed recruits to consider other places that are also great. I took both my daughters on college trips and some of these schools are impressive. We are UM grads but its interesting to see what other schools have to offer. We were impressed.

This is what I'm thinking. Families might just want to go on 5 free vacations. Hopefully they don't fall in love with Mark Emmerts' money makers and their "side deals". Because I'm sure between this new rule + no traveling camps = $EC profit.

I just hope pop 1/4man is right about the Miami visits and coach Richt has a sweet itinerary on tap for the future.
If anything, this just gives coach Richt and his staff more opportunity to meet with parents. The old saying from coach Richt's UGA days still applies: "The mommas love coach Mark Richt."
Additionally, more parents will be able to see that Miami is a beautiful campus located in a beautiful town (not a dump like those schools on the north side of the state) and the classes are smaller and better suited for student athletes. Our recruiting will be fine.
At least we will know which kids are serious in those final weeks. I mean if a kid parents aren't willing to go visit with their son all expenses paid then the kid wasn't never coming.