The money they get COMBINED with cost of living. Feels like even more.Why do we seem to get a dumb as thread like this per week? Again it’s about the money they get!!! ****!
Anyone in their right mind would pick to live in Tuscolusa vs Miami,!!!!
They have grrrrreat air quality though lol
Listen, I love to dump on all other teams not representing the U or competing against the U. However, I have no problem with any of those states! It is a stupid article like most the crap CNBC puts out. There are many parts of those states are flat out beautiful & great to live in... CNBC will also tell you how wonderful Cali and NY are, but forget to tell you they account for 65% of the homeless population in the US or forget to mention they have the highest taxes in the country.
These are not scientific even though your brain may trick you that it is. 100% subjective lol, it totally depends on what you like. I know many people living well in the south. Oh and completely subjective measurements like “inclusivity” are used, I mean really lol this is pure clickbait used to jerk off people who have disdain for those places. And BTW California has net out interstate migration, as in more people leave to other states than come from other states, (population still grows due to international immigration legal and illegal, but among US citizens they lose pop). NY and Illinois lose population every year. So the paradises these writers love are not attracting people.
Sweet Home Alabama is not necessarily as sweet for those who are not young, white, male and straight