
Thats actually my bad. There were about 10 spammers in a row, and I went through deleting the threads so no one accidentally clicked their links. Feel free to restart it.
i literally just band and deleted

not sure whats up . . .

Maybe spammers haven't found my antics to be so funny lately . . . ;)
on my screen there are only 2 threads that are legit. all others have been deleted. thats a lot of spam.

again sorry to OP for deleting your thread. It was a bit out of control and I wanted to clean it up before anyone got infected!
on my screen there are only 2 threads that are legit. all others have been deleted. thats a lot of spam.

again sorry to OP for deleting your thread. It was a bit out of control and I wanted to clean it up before anyone got infected!

No need to apologize.