Mike Vrabel got physical with Urban Meyer

Jan 1, 2013
Got this off of ITU (originally posted on OSU's 247 site "Bucknuts")...

**Days Of Our Buckeyes … We had been waiting until after signing day to tell you this story for two reasons: One, our source asked us to hold the information until the 2014 recruiting class was all signed up. And two, even if he didn’t make that request, we wouldn’t have wanted to rock the OSU recruiting boat so close to signing day.

Well, leave it to a Bucknuts subscriber to spill the beans. Front Row message board member “tOSUHook” posted yesterday that there was a serious altercation between Mike Vrabel and Urban Meyer. Some fans questioned the validity of the post. You shouldn’t. It happened and we’re about to tell you all about it.

The incident occurred in early December -- the week before the contest against Michigan State in the Big Ten Championship game. Ohio State had just given up 603 yards and 41 points to a porous Michigan offense and barely escaped with a one-point victory.

Well, strength coach Mickey Marotti – who is absolutely Meyer’s right-hand man, was ribbing Luke Fickell about “not getting his guys juiced up enough” before games. No, he wasn’t making a Jose Canseco reference. Marotti was suggesting that Fickell didn’t get his guys fired up enough.

Then Meyer walked in and joined in on the banter. And while we’re told Marotti’s criticism of Fickell was somewhat light-hearted, Meyer was a bit more serious. He told Fickell that he needs to do a better job of getting the defensive players emotionally ready to go before kickoff.

Well, just then Mike Vrabel walks in and hears this conversation. According to an impeccable source, Vrabel went off. He felt that Marotti and Meyer were going after Fickell unfairly and Vrabel screamed at both of them. The shouting match escalated and it got to the point where Vrabel actually put his hands on Meyer. Didn’t punch him, but did put his hands on him. (We’ve heard varying stories from two different sources: One says Vrabel put his hand around Meyer’s neck and pinned him up against a wall; the other source says Vrabel grabbed the shirt collar and it wasn’t quite as violent as the other source is making it seem.)

We’re told it didn’t happen right away since OSU was still undefeated at the time and very much in the national championship race, but eventually Vrabel was told he needed to find a new job. They decided they were going to try and keep everything in-house and make it look like an amicable split.

One major difference in what we’ve been told by sources regarding the incident and the post from “tOSUHook” is that the altercation between Meyer and Vrabel did not happen just days before Vrabel left for the Houston Texans. In fact, it happened over a month before Vrabel joined Bill O’Brien’s staff. Like we said, the incident happened the week between the Michigan and Michigan State games. Vrabel didn’t leave for the Texans’ gig until Jan. 9.

So, there you go. We would apologize to you for not telling you about this earlier, but we can’t burn sources. Especially really good ones. We were asked to hold the information until after signing day and that’s what we did.


not surprising that it was kept hush this long if true. The diff between bucknut and Cane fans is that no matter how bad things get Nut fans would never root for the team to fail to get rid of someone...
This explains why Urbie was left, in the bowels of a stadium, to scarf down pizza by his lonesome.
Well f*** you urban Meyer. U are scum and u probably should have gotten ur a** beat!
not surprising that it was kept hush this long if true. The diff between bucknut and Cane fans is that no matter how bad things get Nut fans would never root for the team to fail to get rid of someone...

Our fans would be leaking that sort of info to open Cane forums 2 days before signing day and then wondering why 1-2 recruits
got spooked and signed elsewhere.
not surprising that it was kept hush this long if true. The diff between bucknut and Cane fans is that no matter how bad things get Nut fans would never root for the team to fail to get rid of someone...

Our fans would be leaking that sort of info to open Cane forums 2 days before signing day and then wondering why 1-2 recruits
got spooked and signed elsewhere.
Sad but very true.............
Its funny how other programs can hide their dirty laundry until they are ready to let the public in on it, ie AFTER signing day! We, on the other hand, broadcast $#1T at the ABSOLUTE WORST times! We released an interview with one of our HOF DL (Sapp) a week or so before signing day, saying that our DC is killing his school! WTF?! This is being reported as a stud DT like T. Valentine is making his college choice. It's as if noles or gators are reporting for us. We are seemingly sabotaging our own efforts!!!
not surprising that it was kept hush this long if true. The diff between bucknut and Cane fans is that no matter how bad things get Nut fans would never root for the team to fail to get rid of someone...

Our fans would be leaking that sort of info to open Cane forums 2 days before signing day and then wondering why 1-2 recruits
got spooked and signed elsewhere.

Yep, and tweeting recruits telling them they would be stupid to come to UM because our coaches are so stupid they are even fighting eachother in the locker room. People here get so consumed with being "right" that they dont understand its US against THEM. When we are competing, wether its on the field, or in recruiting, you circle the wagons and do what is best for the program. You dont take sides against the family in public. EVER.

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