Michael Johnson Interview on Canesport


Apr 30, 2013
Breakdown from Canesport:
- Arrived looking for an offer
- He weighed in 10 lbs less than what coaches expected him at 190 lbs
- He had a few problems with one on one drills
- He lost weight because he was eating once a day, ate PBJ sandwiches only
- Say he is going to eat more and get the weight back up
- Coaches want to see him at another camp to evaluate before an offer is extended
- Says Louisville commitment is soft, with LSU and NCSt behind them.
- Say UM offer will be a big one, cause trouble for Louisville
- UM would be #1 on his list with an offer. Playing at the same school as #26 and #20 is a dream of his.
- Says coaches liked him and Paul Williams is a great man. He coaches player to there greatest potential.

You gotta the the coaches have seen this guy enough to decide whether to offer him or not, must be something holding it up...
**** Genron45 or whatever his name is. Obviously doesn't have that much influence if one your kids say the hurricanes are leading and another says they will be #1 with an offer.
I still think the staff wants to be careful with their offers to safeties but I expect Johnson to get it next time around if he participates from the beginning
You gotta the the coaches have seen this guy enough to decide whether to offer him or not, must be something holding it up...

Just a guess but maybe there is some question of hi work ethic? I mean his admitted diet doesn't scream dedication...
You gotta the the coaches have seen this guy enough to decide whether to offer him or not, must be something holding it up...

Just a guess but maybe there is some question of hi work ethic? I mean his admitted diet doesn't scream dedication...
By the end of the summer at the most he can gain 10 pounds and be ready but at least they're telling him what he's missing before he gets the offer so he knows what to do
And do you really think 190 is an issue for a kid going into his senior year to play safety? Maybe if they want him to play LB in the future but even still, if he lost hat 10 lbs eating so little, it'll most certainly come back eating normally again. I'm hard pressed to believe that has much, if anything to do with it
You gotta the the coaches have seen this guy enough to decide whether to offer him or not, must be something holding it up...

Just a guess but maybe there is some question of hi work ethic? I mean his admitted diet doesn't scream dedication...

That's assuming it's his choice to only have pbj sandwiches.

Bingo. Like we just know what his home situation is(not making any assumptions here). Just saying . As hard as it may be to believe for some people hs kids only have so much influence on food at home .
Did he say why he is only eating 1 meal a day ... of PBJ sandwiches no less?

He's probably tired of all the lobster and filet mignon they serve at his house.

I know nothing about his family's financial situation. apparently you do from the smartass response. but, even assuming he's dirt poor, economically disadvantaged kids should be getting free (or close to it) lunches at school. and ****, a can of beans and rice costs next to nothing, and would be a **** of a lot better than eating nothing.
Personally I think they just wanna see how bad the kid wants it. He's been screaming about wanting the offer so let's see if he's really serious about it by showing up to multiple camps to show his skills and compete. Now the weight thing just sounds like an excuse for him to come back or maybe he checked in a lot lighter than 180. Who knows. The kid has a good skill set that I'm about 85-91% sold on but there is a bit left to be desired . I hope he gets the offer though. He's very raw but with good coaching could be a good one.
You gotta the the coaches have seen this guy enough to decide whether to offer him or not, must be something holding it up...

Just a guess but maybe there is some question of hi work ethic? I mean his admitted diet doesn't scream dedication...

That's assuming it's his choice to only have pbj sandwiches.

I hear ya. But maybe the staff knows that isn't the case? I really have no idea. Just throwing out possibilities. It's gotta be something as to why the offer isn't there...
Butch used to talk about how he would always consider a recruit's nutrition when making evaluations. Some kids clearly have the genetics and frame but lack the resources or direction to eat adequately and properly in high school.
Did he say why he is only eating 1 meal a day ... of PBJ sandwiches no less?

He's probably tired of all the lobster and filet mignon they serve at his house.

I know nothing about his family's financial situation. apparently you do from the smartass response. but, even assuming he's dirt poor, economically disadvantaged kids should be getting free (or close to it) lunches at school. and ****, a can of beans and rice costs next to nothing, and would be a **** of a lot better than eating nothing.

He attends a private catholic shool and it does not provide reduced or free lunch unfortunately. Now if his family is strapped for cash there are options provided by the state and also catholic charities of florida that can assist with food. I also agree a plate of white rice with red beans in a guisado with with an egg cost what $20 every 2 weeks.
20lb bag for $15,
4 12oz can of beans $1-$1.50 depending on brand and type,
$3 per 12oz can for canned corn beef.
2 12oz can of tomato paste for $0.70.
1 dozen eggs $2

when combined your looking at 7 days of dinner for two per 1 can of ingredients and 2 cups of uncooked rice with 1 egg. So in total your talking $25 bucks and you can feed two to three people a week a feeling and tasty meal that it is high in protein.

Then through in the $6 bucks to buy 1 loaf of bread, a bottle of peanut butter and a bottle of jelly.

So for $31 bucks every 2 weeks you can have lunch and dinner which is high in protein, whole grains, and fiber. A trip to Saber will handle it. So thats a little advice for eating on a budget in south florida.

Go Canes
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