First of all why would Cam play? There is NO reason except pride and this will be a business decision and he won't play. So we are going to play with a QB that played sparingingly this year and a defense that is horrific. Either way we finish the season losing 3 out of 4 games and for Mario fans wait till next year. It won't be a 10 game winning season. This was the season the UM should have won the ACC Championship, became revelant again, and been invited into the Championship playoffs. We had a generational QB and fell flat on our face. WAKE UP or do you consistantly want to believe the BALONEY that Mario feeds you guys. Three straight years of poor coaching, gametime decisions, and mickey mouse clock management. Obviously ZERO DISCIPLINE and a plethora of stupid game killing dumb penalities which continues to persist under Mario with no repercussions. The team seemingly unprepared so many times and a head coach that constanly gets outcoached by the opposing team. Mario has a staff of underachieving assistant coaches that HE HIRED. It now seems like his recruiting prowess is heading a little south as he is unable to recruit the elite players that make a substantial difference on the field. Cam will be missed sorely and the next year be hotter than **** for this CHARLATAN of a coach!