Miami AD Blake James

Do you really believe that naming rights, full revenue, etc were not capitulated when Donna made that statement in '07? How would any of that differ now?

Things are no different from 2007. Believe what you want.

The stability of the athletic department as i mentioned earlier is much different. Miami Dade is bleeding and could use the project more than ever as well.

This is a waste of time.

You're right, this is a waste of time. You keep shifting the focus from the central issue of whether our own stadium would generate more money for UM. It's clear that Shalala et al evaluated it in 2007, and found that it would not, otherwise they would have tried to do it. Nothing has occurred since 2007 that would make it a more viable money-making option for UM.

It is amazing how you keep going, my position is laid out just agree to disagree and move on without shots or more attempts to prove your point.

I keep going because I believe that your POV insults the intelligence of everyone involved with UM admin, including Blake James and Shalala. You insinuate that neither of them--nor anyone else involved with UM admin--is smart enough to have undertaken the most basic and rudimentary examination of the situation, and that they have no concept of how the business world has or has not changed since 2007. It smacks of the kind of uninformed arrogance that UM fans are (in)famous for, unfortunately.

Look, we all wish we were back in the OB, and that the city had pulled through and renovated the old girl as was agreed. Short of that, we all wish that we could have a nice stadium to call our own, something close to campus that would get loud on gameday. But if the financials don't work out, they don't work out. And it would seem to me (and to an objective observer) that Shalala and James and every AD and president before them have examined the situation and come to the same conclusion...that Dolphin Stadium is our best bet financially for the next 7-10 years at a minimum, no matter how unfortunate that may be in terms of fan experience.

I'm sure that they monitor the situation, and if the winds change (say, SunLife really starts to negatively affect attendance and revenue, or contract renegotiations don't go smoothly in the few years remaining on our lease) they'll make it a priority to get our own stadium. Till that time, we can sign petitions and get in the ear of Shalala and James as much as we want, but it just seems petty and ****y to blame them for things of which you admittedly don't have any knowledge. Just keep in mind that one of the biggest reasons that we're on better financial footing now than we were in 2007 is because of the sweet revenue deal that Shalala was able to get us at SunLife.

And with that, I'm really done. I'll agree to disagree now, lol.

Wow! Keep fighting the good fight.
