media perception of penalties


Mar 24, 2013
Watching the talk shows on ESPN and Fox this morning and it seems the talking heads, for the most part, think UM got away with gross improprieties with barely a slap on the wrist.

Most fail to mention the self imposed bowl bans, and when they do they imply it was a clever strategy to impose bans on the past insignificant bowl invitations in hopes of securing more important bowl invitations after the completion of the investigation.

There were some that understood the cost of a 3 year investigation and the effects it had on recruiting and the psyche of the student athletes. These seem to be the minority.

The conversations revolved around the incompetence of the NCAA and their inability to control the high profile powerhouse college programs, of which apparently UM is included, and how these schools can get away with any improprieties.

There was some talk about USC's penalties that seemed to be much harsher compared to UM's penalties.

My perception was that they were not familiar with the facts of the investigation or specific charges and they assumed that there were large amounts of money or gifts involved and that UM was aware of these gifts and was somehow complicit.

What do we have to do to change this perception with the media and the public?
I don't like UM being viewed as cheaters and bullies.
I know some of us enjoy the us against the world mentality but really I would rather be envied and respected as a great place to get an education and a haven of superior amateur sports.

I am interested on hearing how others feel about this as a PR issue.

Watching the talk shows on ESPN and Fox this morning and it seems the talking heads, for the most part, think UM got away with gross improprieties with barely a slap on the wrist.

Most fail to mention the self imposed bowl bans, and when they do they imply it was a clever strategy to impose bans on the past insignificant bowl invitations in hopes of securing more important bowl invitations after the completion of the investigation.

There were some that understood the cost of a 3 year investigation and the effects it had on recruiting and the psyche of the student athletes. These seem to be the minority.

The conversations revolved around the incompetence of the NCAA and their inability to control the high profile powerhouse college programs, of which apparently UM is included, and how these schools can get away with any improprieties.

There was some talk about USC's penalties that seemed to be much harsher compared to UM's penalties.

My perception was that they were not familiar with the facts of the investigation or specific charges and they assumed that there were large amounts of money or gifts involved and that UM was aware of these gifts and was somehow complicit.

What do we have to do to change this perception with the media and the public?
I don't like UM being viewed as cheaters and bullies.I know some of us enjoy the us against the world mentality but really I would rather be envied and respected as a great place to get an education and a haven of superior amateur sports.

I am interested on hearing how others feel about this as a PR issue.


This will always be true. People hate the U. "We all we got. We all we need."
we have no on the fence fans around the country like some cane fans like Oregon or Baylor...99% of other fans hate us...just like 30% of cane fans jump ship on us...

clemson's fan base will be rooting for us in two weeks, bank that
I have good friends that are Alabama and Georgia fans. Both believe Miami was dragged through the mud as it is. They have nothing but bad things to say about the NCAA.
I have good friends that are Alabama and Georgia fans. Both believe Miami was dragged through the mud as it is. They have nothing but bad things to say about the NCAA.
Give them a year or two. If we win enough they'll forget about the NCAA and go back to hating us.
LOL at all of them chiming in as if they are authorities on the matter. Give it a few days and it dies down to nothing.
LOL at all of them chiming in as if they are authorities on the matter. Give it a few days and it dies down to nothing.

Once the games are played this weekend it'll all go away, most of the country could care less, it's just the talking-heads have nothing else to talk about right now.
The lack of factual information out there is astonishing.
Here's the thing --the sports media for the most part is comprised of attention whores. Given the chance to opine on a controversial topic, they will almost always take the contrarian viewpoint, otherwise it's not compelling to the audience. If they went on air and simply said "yep, we think the penalties were appropriate", nobody would care. If the NCAA would have hammered us, most of these same idiots would be on air blathering that the NCAA is out of control and that we deserved to get off with time served. At the end of the day all they care about is ratings.
There is NOTHING we'll ever be able to do to change the local and national media perception.
It's basically Canes Football 101. The whole country hates us. Always have, always will.

I accept it and I love it. It makes victories like the won we recently had over U*** that much sweeter.
Watching the talk shows on ESPN and Fox this morning and it seems the talking heads, for the most part, think UM got away with gross improprieties with barely a slap on the wrist.

Most fail to mention the self imposed bowl bans, and when they do they imply it was a clever strategy to impose bans on the past insignificant bowl invitations in hopes of securing more important bowl invitations after the completion of the investigation.

There were some that understood the cost of a 3 year investigation and the effects it had on recruiting and the psyche of the student athletes. These seem to be the minority.

The conversations revolved around the incompetence of the NCAA and their inability to control the high profile powerhouse college programs, of which apparently UM is included, and how these schools can get away with any improprieties.

There was some talk about USC's penalties that seemed to be much harsher compared to UM's penalties.

My perception was that they were not familiar with the facts of the investigation or specific charges and they assumed that there were large amounts of money or gifts involved and that UM was aware of these gifts and was somehow complicit.

What do we have to do to change this perception with the media and the public?
I don't like UM being viewed as cheaters and bullies.
I know some of us enjoy the us against the world mentality but really I would rather be envied and respected as a great place to get an education and a haven of superior amateur sports.

I am interested on hearing how others feel about this as a PR issue.


We are always going to be perceived as the bad guys, might as well embrace it. I have. This is even more reason to start running up the score on people.
There will always be those who hate us and assume we're no good. No matter what our APR ranking is or how much community service the team does or whatever. Their precious program's are all clean and Miami is always what's wrong with not only CFB but all sports. Any Miami sports team that rises up to being a good team, people out there will hate them. When the Marlins won in 97, it was "they bought a ring!" Never mind the Yankees and Red Sox do that every year now. I don't even have to mention the Heat.

If you're a fan of Miami sports, just embrace it. Besides, Golden has respect, so just imagine how much hate we'd be getting if he wasn't here. If that makes you feel any better.
I've read so many different articles the last 2 days from bloggers, analyst, sportswriters etc. The common theme I've seen in most of them is that we got off easy and make it seem that all we got is the 9 scholarship reductions. Most of them push the fact that we self imposed bans towards the end of the article or don't mention it at all while making sure that the 9 scholarship reduction is in the first or second paragraph never immediately followed by the bowl bans.

Most of them want to talk about USC and Ohio St. should be mad. For ******* what!!!! USC, has a slight argument in that the scholarship reductions are a bit harsh and really hurt them, but it's their own **** fault for getting arrogant like nothing would happen to them. They did not cooperate like we did, they did not self impose, so the NCAA made them pay.

Ohio St can eat a bag of ****s. They had the opportunity to self impose on their crappy season and suspend Pryor. Instead they also thought they would skate and fought to reinstate their players for the bowl game and not self impose. Then they got caught lying and most of the guys responsible bailed out the next season, so again, those at fault got no punishment. Its their own **** fault they got ****ed the next year on an undefeated season. I laugh about it, because they only have themselves to blame for not self imposing the year before, but everyone thinks they should be mad how the NCAA handled us? Add to that we missed 2 bowls and a ACCCG and restricted ourselves in scholarships and recruiting effort before NCAA came back with anything else.

We played the game better than these ******* and now they are mad. **** these hos. It's over. Lets go win this **** and make em more mad.

This **** irritates me so much. Rant over :crownpour:
Because many of them wanted us to get the death blow. They forget we have actually been dealing with this for over 2 years and it took a huge toll on the program.
they wouldnt be saying anything if it was 2 bcs bowls we turned down. its all because they were ****** games that noone thinks we lost anything
Get over it, the U will NEVER be loved by anyone but US. Revel in it, assume everyone is out to get us. WHY cause we are the U. Nuff said.
Here's the thing --the sports media for the most part is comprised of attention whores. Given the chance to opine on a controversial topic, they will almost always take the contrarian viewpoint, otherwise it's not compelling to the audience. If they went on air and simply said "yep, we think the penalties were appropriate", nobody would care. If the NCAA would have hammered us, most of these same idiots would be on air blathering that the NCAA is out of control and that we deserved to get off with time served. At the end of the day all they care about is ratings.

Agree with you completely. The only thing I'd add is that is the media in general these days. It's almost impossible for anyone to just "tell the story the way it is." They have to spin the truth or over exaggerate the story to make headlines.
There are more "commentators" now than there are "reporters". There's no more news, the glut of information has shifted everyone to have to interject their opines on everything. It used to be you got up and read the story in the paper and maybe got an editorial on it. Now it hits minutes after it happens so the only thing left to do is regurgitate it and give your opinion.