Maurice Goolsby 6ft5 190 WR Class of 2019

Impressed at 6'6'" Freshman with 4.5 speed..Good receiver but I was more impressed with him at DE....All Dunnellon kids go to that school 45 minutes north...
A 6'6" HS Freshman WR? No way he plays that in college. My parents really did me a disservice smh. Short people shouldnt make babies with other short people...
Impressed at 6'6'" Freshman with 4.5 speed..Good receiver but I was more impressed with him at DE....All Dunnellon kids go to that school 45 minutes north...

no chance a 6'6" freshman runs a 4.4 not happening
My god he's only a Freshman play WR/DE he'll get bigger overtime probly move to either TE or DE at Next level We should offer him has 3 all ready from Florida North Carolina FSU.... And he's from North Central Florida His school plays in 4a