Mario Cristobal


Dec 4, 2011
Probably means nothing but Mario Cristobal is at practice today visiting. I know he's a former cane but he's on staff at another school with the Oregon ducks. They are on spring break but still odd timing if you ask me
They dont play oregon so richt probably doesn't care.
True, I can see richt invited helfrich to pick his brain in running the spread last month.

Huh? You make no sense, broke.

Helfrich is/was no longer employed by Oregon.

Cristobal is employed by them, and although it's not their natural recruiting grounds, you can bet he'll try to get one or two recruits from down here. If it was up to me, I wouldn't let him on campus. Especially considering his past history of leaving us, and then recruiting this area for Bama
Probably means nothing but Mario Cristobal is at practice today visiting. I know he's a former cane but he's on staff at another school with the Oregon ducks. They are on spring break but still odd timing if you ask me

I really don't like this. He has no business being here as an assistant from another power 5 school. On top of that, the way he just left and recruited this area against us. Former cane or not, he shouldn't be here right now
I like it. Cristobal has a wolf's scent for bandwagons. The scent of the train we're creating may have drawn him from across the country.
They dont play oregon so richt probably doesn't care.
True, I can see richt invited helfrich to pick his brain in running the spread last month.

Huh? You make no sense, broke.

Helfrich is/was no longer employed by Oregon.

Cristobal is employed by them, and although it's not their natural recruiting grounds, you can bet he'll try to get one or two recruits from down here. If it was up to me, I wouldn't let him on campus. Especially considering his past history of leaving us, and then recruiting this area for Bama

Persona non grata, round him and send him back from where he came.
10th coach. Miami ties. Can recruit. Help with the OL. Pretty sure his wife hates Oregon. Now on campus. Interesting..

No, no, no, no, no, no...That just wouldnt be fair...

Hated the idea of Mario being the HC but I'd be cool with him being an asst.
New OC?


Sure, why not. He's been known to quit jobs after a few weeks.

I'd actually prefer that we not extend him a job offer ever again.

300k work for Golden 750k work for Saban. Cmon man, he saw the sinking ship. Just be thankful we are on an upward trajectory for the first time since 2002, and firing core values was the start of it.

Make $750K for a few years and if you play it right you should be set for a long while. Most on this board woulda took that deal.
Makes no sense to have another employed coach at your practice. Especially one that is 100% going to be in recruiting battles with you. This is strange.
Rick has said multiple times he reaches out to other coaches to find out tips to get better. You can bet he asked Mario to be there and see what they can learn from each other. Oregon isn't going to snag any of the soflo blue chips, relax...
Mario telling Richt how day did thangs at Bama.

Being in the SEC for what, 15 years? Richt has plenty of knowledge on how Saban works without having to invite someone with no loyalty and no successful track record of anything to talk to.
Makes no sense to have another employed coach at your practice. Especially one that is 100% going to be in recruiting battles with you. This is strange.

If we are in recruiting battles with oregon then they need to shut the program down.