Mario “the meddler” and “caveman”

imo, there are two entirely legitimate criticisms of mario as a coach:

1. his gameday coaching is lacking. this year, TBD. no significant issues thus far, but we'll see what happens when we get in a real rock fight.

2. he whiffed badly on his first set of coordinator hires. this was so bad it was almost unbelievable, but he responded by hitting home runs with dawson and guidry. really bizarre that it took that disaster of a first round to get here, but hey, we're cooking now.

the 'meddling,' caveman offense critique holds no water to me and simply never has during his time at miami. generally speaking, we've passed the ball plenty. but the bigger thing is this: i am a tennessee titans fan. i have suffered through a lot of horrendous QB play. and i can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that what we saw last year was not mario getting in there and forcing dawson to Run Da Ball- it was an OC who absolutely knew that his QB ain't ****, and was doing his best to hide him. i've seen years of that, man lol.
Kevin Steele was not a whiff. Saban plucked him from us.
Seasons 1 and 2 were 100% caveman BS.

This year has been a complete 180. I'm very happy for not only the team but also for Mario so far.
Better talent + better coaching = better results

Year 1-----Biggest impact was disasterous coordinator hires. Gattis was a compete joke who had a great personal pr person helping him win a lot of coaching awards to puff up his image and resume. He has the imagination of a gnat.

On the D side, Steele was way past his sell date and Strong was weak (haha).

Year 2---- I didn't realize it any more than most at the time but TVD was and is a head case. Parlayed a couple good games into massively erroneous expectations. TVD appears to never watch film or develop any understanding of defenses.

The team was in way worse shape when Mario got here than most of us realized. All of the little jabs at Mario---bad game day coach, can't develop a qb, stiffles his coordinators, esp of offense, are just nonsense. Well, except for not taking a knee
Mario may be stubborn but he’s not stupid. I’m 100% positive that if you asked him behind closed doors what he would prefer, it would be to run the ball and physically overwhelm opponents. We’re not doing that but we’re breaking offensive records so he’s going to let Dawson and Cam cook.

All the fans wanted was for him to kindly get out of his own team’s way. And he has, so thank you, Mario. Keep up the good recruiting.
The notion that Mario throttled Dawson is nonsense. TVD throttled Dawson.
He literally hired Josh Gattis when he had a blank check for an OC. He learned his lesson quickly. Thankfully.
Honest question because I don’t know…

Was Gattis the absolute only guy Mario wanted? Or is it possible that after all the crap Miami had been through over the past 10, 15, 20 years, Mario couldn’t get someone better despite the blank check, and Gattis was the best candidate at the time?
For the Mario haters (There are plenty in here) this season couldn't get any worse. LOL

Mario is adapting. That's what great coaches do.
…and this is what I said during his first 2 seasons here. If he adapts, he will win championships, if he doesn’t, he will be a footnote in our HC history.

Thankfully, he went out and got Killa Cam (as @Memnon has dubbed him) and some other dudes and is letting Dawson Cook. No more trying to pound the ball into 8 or 9 man fronts on 1st and 2nd down. Mario knows what he has and is letting our dogs loose on opposing D’s, which is the sign of good/great head coaches. Even Saban had to adapt.

Kudos to Mario for not only getting the kind of top tier talent that has always been his calling card, but also for being malleable. We’re even letting our backup QB’s throw the ball downfield again, like we did during our glory days. If teams don’t want to get blown out, then stop us.

…and for all of the fans complaining about our running game, give it a rest. USF had 8 and 9 in the box yesterday in what looked like a bunched front, specially in the 1st half. They changed it up some in the second half, and our running game started feasting. Teams will have to pick their poison this season.
Honest question because I don’t know…

Was Gattis the absolute only guy Mario wanted? Or is it possible that after all the crap Miami had been through over the past 10, 15, 20 years, Mario couldn’t get someone better despite the blank check, and Gattis was the best candidate at the time?
Gattis was his guy. He wanted our offense to look like Michigan’s so much that we literally hired away their OC and paid him a ton of money. Gattis wasn’t even technically “available” he was happily employed at U of M.
Gattis was his guy. He wanted our offense to look like Michigan’s so much that we literally hired away their OC and paid him a ton of money. Gattis wasn’t even technically “available” he was happily employed at U of M.
Thanks. I knew Gattis was happily employed at UofM, but I wasn’t sure if Mario was keyed in on Gattis specifically as “the guy.” Gattis and a Michigan-style offense always seemed like a weird fit to me.

Re: all the Mario criticisms, I also thought Mario is young enough and kind of “early” enough in his HCing career that he still could had the potential to learn and grow more. He’s not, e.g., a Mack Brown, who is who he is by now. Didn’t know if he would at the time, but glad to see he is making necessary changes.
The notion that Mario throttled Dawson is nonsense. TVD throttled Dawson.
This. The book was out on TVD being unable to read a zone coverage and knowing where to go with the ball… guess what defenses ran it all day.

TVD also didn’t know what a check down was other than force it into double or even triple covered X
If he becomes a Bobby Bowden-like, figure head, recruiting monster and lets his coaches cook, we will win multiple Natty's.