Manny just on Fox News

We get the situation is very fluid. In our case like many of the students decisions had to be made about apartments and rentals. We had to renew his lease 1 July. Had he known I'm not sure he would have return until January. He is in class 5 hours. The rest (16 hours) are online. All his buds have similar schedules. He'll know more once he meets with his professors and he expects it to be a real ****show.

On a separate note his buds who are juniors and on campus got screwed as it is. The school assigned all the juniors to Mahoney not the new dorms. Needless to say they are a little salty. I am sure the faculty had a big say in the in person schedule. In any case, the athletes will be fine and much better off than the general student population.

I understand the lease situation. That's actually why I called the director of my son's program. He moved out of his apartment in Modera after finals and we had to sign the lease at that time - July15th - for August 1. Usually by July 15th UM wants your money...... This year, no schedule or bill....

I wondered how the new dorms were assigned. I assumed some sort of lottery system by seniority after the athletes were assigned whatever space they were getting. Mahoney is on the renovation list eventually - and it really needs it My daughter lived in Mahoney during the 2013-2014 school year and constantly had respiratory issues from the archaic ventilation/air conditioning system. I wish them luck...
I understand the lease situation. That's actually why I called the director of my son's program. He moved out of his apartment in Modera after finals and we had to sign the lease at that time - July15th - for August 1. Usually by July 15th UM wants your money...... This year, no schedule or bill....

I wondered how the new dorms were assigned. I assumed some sort of lottery system by seniority after the athletes were assigned whatever space they were getting. Mahoney is on the renovation list eventually - and it really needs it My daughter lived in Mahoney during the 2013-2014 school year and constantly had respiratory issues from the archaic ventilation/air conditioning system. I wish them luck...
As bad as the Towers are, Mahoney is worst. The black mold is awful. Yes, M-P is desperately on the renovation list. So when I dropped him off freshman year, I walked into his room at Pentland and I said I feel like I'm back to 1979. Other than wired for internet, his single looked exactly the same as I remembered it.
I agree with you that HCQ is probably fine. But the very mention of it is a trigger for peeps because Trump said it might be a good thing (and media went nutzo about it). Hence the joke.

I think it’s probably fine and ... hey, if it may help in certain instances and for certain people, than yeah give it a shot. I looked at the side effects for it and if taken properly in the dosages suggested... seems less harmful than the side effects for any other drug that is advertised on tv.

But 100% on getting back to footy football! We all need it... players, fans ... eerrbody!
Bye, bro.
anyone find a video clip?
Nah. Searched FoxNews. Not really a separate interview segment, but just a short segment with a reporter interviewing Manny. I thought it was impressive. Showed an intelligent, thoughtful approach. Also nice seeing clips of kids in unis.