Manny Diaz next Canes coach

Randy Shannon part 2.

He needs to hire a top 5 offensive coordinator, and let’s hope like **** he learns to recruit.

Underwhelming hire.

And a Top 5 QB coach and a Top 5 OL coach and someone manage to convince Nick Saban to leave Baga to come coach DB’s for us. Then and only then would this even begin to make sense. Much less for a $4 million buyout.
There are always exceptions just like there will always be slurpers...

If I only have one shot it’s not going to be manny Diaz.

Yes there will always be exceptions; and fortunately you have absolutely nothing to do with the decision either way so sit back and enjoy the show
This isn't the worse hire we could've made. At the least, there are a few good things here.

1) Manny has fire, super competitive, loves and gets the U.
2) He's a motherfuc*er, just need to determine what level of motherfuc*er he is. This guy will launch a Nuke if it means winning.
3) Players love him

Biggest risk: NO HC EXPERIENCE

Lots of upside, potential for disaster basically.

I'm in your boat on this one. Definitely potential to be an unmitigated disaster. But maybe if he does things right...with his attitude it could bring some swagger and upside. It hinges on his offensive hires and fires.

High risk for a possible reward. Not sure if I like the odds...but I've won and lost on bad bets.
Yes there will always be exceptions; and fortunately you have absolutely nothing to do with the decision either way so sit back and enjoy the show bih

And we, the fans, had nothing to do with the last 4 either. Did you enjoy those schit shows?!?! Slurpers never learn. You’re like an abused girlfriend running back for more when clearly there’s been no signs of change.

For the record I’m rooting for manny but it’s painfully obvious that we didn’t hire the best available candidate.
Redwine loving it


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They hired dude cause of a chain that plays an easy *** schedule and doesnt recruit, typical miami. I bet this is popular in sfla and i bet 100 that the HS recruits that love this wont even fuqin come here..... FACTS. They hoodwinked the fans of the U cause hes MIAMI...........they tricking the **** out of everyone a yes man from a failed staff who got his **** pushed in when they played real teams. TRASH
They hired dude cause of a chain that plays an easy *** schedule and doesnt recruit, typical miami. I bet this is popular in sfla and i bet 100 that the HS recruits that love this wont even fuqin come here..... FACTS. They hoodwinked the fans of the U cause hes MIAMI...........they tricking the **** out of everyone a yes man from a failed staff who got his **** pushed in when they played real teams. TRASH

“I love Manny! He’s going to bring the U back! Swag! And for the next 3-4 years I will be attending Alabama....Roll Tide”