Mailbag: Talking Miami's upcoming sanctions - Bruce Feldman


Feb 2, 2012
Just thought I'd share.

From @akosnitzky: Can we speculate on the harshness of the NCAA penalties that may be placed on Miami the longer the matter is pending?

We're all just guessing on this stuff. Just like people are when they try and predict when the sanctions are going to be announced. It was the same way when people kept speculating when USC's sanctions were going to come down.

My hunch is that if the NCAA doesn't announce anything before December, Miami will self-impose another bowl unless the Canes are in-line for a BCS Bowl (which looks like a long-shot at this point.) Self-imposing a second post-season ban would be a shrewd move, since it'd mean Miami already sat out two post-seasons, it's also a sign that the school is taking these violations seriously. Keep in mind the NCAA immediately did punish all of the active players who were involved.

USC, which is going to be the barometer for modern NCAA sanctions, reportedly got hit as hard as it did (two-year post-season ban and losing 30 scholarships over three years) in part because the Trojans were uncooperative with the investigation and then-AD Mike Garrett had an arrogant attitude towards the process. We've since seen other schools getting seemingly more favorable sanctions because they were viewed as more cooperative.

In past cases we've heard from schools saying the sooner they learn their fate with the Committee on Infractions, the better they'll be. In Miami's case, the Canes might be better off not hearing till after October, since at that point they'll probably know if the 2012 season is worth sacrificing. And, if the sanctions don't come down till after Signing Day, they can still try and do what Lane Kiffin did and stock-pile recruits pre-sanctions. You could say that the uncertainty could scare off some recruits, and maybe it might, but it didn't cripple UM's signing class in 2012, and that was closer to the fire.
Is it me or is the NCAA moving at a snails pace here? I mean how long does it take to get people on the phones, interview them, look over CC statements yada yada. How many guys are working on this 1 or 2??
I'd like to believe they are doing the due diligence that Charles Robinson failed to in his rush to publish his sensationalistic opus. And maybe they are.

But if history is any indicator, and yes USC is the most current example, the longer the NCAA let's your program twist, the worse the outcome is likely to be.

I'm far less optimistic of the outcome the more protracted this gets.
Also remember that it has only been about a year. Unc and Osu timeline was about 18 months from start until ruling
I'd like to believe they are doing the due diligence that Charles Robinson failed to in his rush to publish his sensationalistic opus. And maybe they are.

But if history is any indicator, and yes USC is the most current example, the longer the NCAA let's your program twist, the worse the outcome is likely to be.

I'm far less optimistic of the outcome the more protracted this gets.

Opus - great choice. I personally think that the NCAA drags these investigations out for a year or so to see how the university in question conducts itself in the wake of the allegations. Putting out videos like "Canes in the Community" a few posts down are perfect ways to shed a positive light on our program. Be glad Greg Garmon is not a Cane, and sadly but true be glad the shooting at Auburn was not on our campus.

I don't think the NCAA has jack squat on us besides what is already known. I think they are waiting for us to slip up, or for some rat to leak something which I doubt will happen. Fingers crossed. Al Golden has been the perfect model for these kids to follow, and the school to build around. I can think of 20 schools/fanbases that would love for us to fall flat on our faces. I am sure the NCAA has fielded a few phone calls emphasizing the need for Miami football to go the book thrown at us. Oh yeah, and F Mark May!
We don't know how bad our violations are without knowing the involvement and knowledge of the staff and AD's office. There are a ton of players involved, but what they did is nothing compared to USC or UNC. It all comes down to the Athletic Department and Hurtt et al. What concerns me most is that the athletic department bragged about it's compliance, yet this happened right under there noses for many years. My guess is the school has it right, 3/5 on the scholies and a one year bowl ban. Interesting to see the punishments on the staff. It happened on Paul Dee's watch, no punishing him. If Hurtt stays employed, that will be a good sign.
Part of the punishment is the waiting process because it does hurt the program to some degree. I think we'll be at 15 schollies over 3 years with a 1 year bowl ban. Pay attn to Golden's roster mgmt.