Louis Riddick (Free Marketing)

How he’s not a GM is beyond me. Dude knows his ****, & calls it like it is.
He’s one of the few people on network tv that I enjoy hearing his takes. Very smart football guy. On why he isn’t back in the nfl? He’s gotten a taste of that stress free tv money lol. Sometime that changes a man.
I think the issue is that the teams he oversaw scouting for ended up not having good seasons and new GMs overhauled staffs. His drafts overseeing the 2005-2007 Redskins were awful. His talent acquisition was just bad.

He did much better with the Eagles but the personnel was controlled by Roseman.
He’s making a couple million a year doing spots on Get up and First Take ( 10K an appearance) , doing games for ESPN and he has his pod cast .
PLUS He doesn’t want the stress of being a GM which like coaching is a job where you’re counting the days till you’re fired the day you’re hired to do the job.
Ha we would lose our sh*t if he did that to a team we played...

Was on his knees gobbling us the whole game.