Live Miami practice basketball


Thanks for spending this. We must be too worried about Louisville if we are showing our zone offense. Though it’s nothing that we haven’t run except for whatever those baseline screen were. I didn’t understand why Miller set a baseline screen only for a shot to be taken from the wing.
This was cool, thanks. Feel sorry for the "scrubs" that mostly had to defend. Nbr 32, walkon Thomas Oosterbroek, (who is now 6'8 and maybe growing) impressed me... looks like a "playa" (no, not a beach.)
This was cool, thanks. Feel sorry for the "scrubs" that mostly had to defend. Nbr 32, walkon Thomas Oosterbroek, (who is now 6'8 and maybe growing) impressed me... looks like a "playa" (no, not a beach.)
Oosterbroek played against decent competition in LA. He has size and if he were to grow even more ... who knows? Jeff Hornacek, iirc, walked on at Iowa State, took the Cyclones to a Sweet Sixteen and had a long and good NBA career.

It can be done. More likely with growing big men than with guards like Hornacek. David Robinson was ignored by colleges coming out of Osbourn Park HS in Northern Virginia. He took an appointment to the Naval Academy and proceeded to grow like 7 inches while at Annapolis, ending up at 7'0.