Where is the proof Genron is selling recruits? I have yet to see it.
You must be new. You don't really think schools like champagnat are legitimate do you? Do you really believe schools that are actively recruiting football players with 2.3 or lower GPA's and offering tuition scholarships is wholly in the student athletes interest? Come on now, don't be naive.
Joined back in 2011, so I guess that doesn't make me new. As far as Champagnat Catholic goes I am not qualified to asses their accreditation and a assume either are you. What I do know is their students do get in college so it appears as if at least some colleges accept their transcripts. What I also know is Genron didn't run that school so it wouldn't be up to him to deal with their accreditation. As far as the 2.3 GPA goes, that is just funny. Half of our prospects probably didn't have a 2.3 GPA after a few years of high school.
If you can't see the obvious powerplay of genron creating his own diploma mill to escalate his "handling" fee you're truly ignorant to SFL recruiting.