Latest Tate eligibility

We should get a good clear picture of how bias the NCAA is. If kids got waivers last year to $EC schools for less he should also. Fields doesn’t seem to have any real reason to transfer other then he will be a backup for two more years at UGAy
Fields is going to use the hick baseball players using a racial slur and hes gonna win easy. Its a documented incident. School kicked the kid out. And i guess fields was talkin about playing baseball
This shît is confusing. Why is he trying to get a waiver if he can possibly graduate? Is he trying to get elgible so he can come in for spring ball?
I hope so!! We need him in meetings and preparing for Spring ball!
This shît is confusing. Why is he trying to get a waiver if he can possibly graduate? Is he trying to get elgible so he can come in for spring ball?

From what I’ve pieced together, he would have to stay in Ohio State another semester to graduate in May. I doubt he wants to be the “dude who is transferring to Miami at the end of this semester” for 6 months
This shît is confusing. Why is he trying to get a waiver if he can possibly graduate? Is he trying to get elgible so he can come in for spring ball?
Thats why the graduating thing seem so far-fetched. Also, how quickly does the NCAA actually work? How is he gonna get a waiver before the time to enroll for this semester is over?
This shît is confusing. Why is he trying to get a waiver if he can possibly graduate? Is he trying to get elgible so he can come in for spring ball?

Waiver means he enrolls by next Wednesday. Graduation means he enrolls in Summer 1.

Hardship waiver means he plays in 2019. Graduation means he plays in 2019.
Thats why the graduating thing seem so far-fetched. Also, how quickly does the NCAA actually work? How is he gonna get a waiver before the time to enroll for this semester is over?

He has 1 week to enroll (next Wednesday is late registration deadline).
If I am not mistaken you have to enrol in the new school before seeking a waiver so he wont graduate from OSU and will have to immediately enrol at UM and pursue the waiver.
Tate should be able to say I no longer feel comfortable playing for a university that promoted a guy who covered up domestic violence to assistant athletic director.

Yeah, he can SAY that. But they might notice that he was perfectly content to stay there and be the man right up until they decided to bring in Fields and hand him the job.
Or you need to call him and tell him to snatch the case pro bono I mean whatever helps right?

He doesn't have to do it pro bono. Martells have money.

I am quite certain that Setch can make his own rain, and that he is well aware of this case. He's a UM alum.
Jason Setchen.
I made a feeble attempt at humor. The name I used is a play on words. I actually thought you were tossing a softball up for someone to swing at. In reality, you had an actual, legitimate lawyer... I am going back to playing with my ball of yarn, carry on.
It's cool if he has to sit out a year or so. At least he can practice making the WRs better. Just let Williams start for 2019 and then transfer in 2020 when Martell starts
Thats why the graduating thing seem so far-fetched. Also, how quickly does the NCAA actually work? How is he gonna get a waiver before the time to enroll for this semester is over?
He might be trying to enroll at miami now. Shea patterson enrolled at michigan in january and was practicing with the team in spring ball while he was waiting for a answer on the waiver.

Wiltfong said that martell could possibly expedite his graduation at osu but it seems he might want to come now so he wont be behind in the offense come the summer.