Last 7 games. Call it. Do we finish skrong?


Jan 1, 2012
At FSU, VT, UNC and ND

Home against VT, UL and UVA.

VERY tough little stretch.

Could easily go 2-5, or worse (not predicting that, just saying)

The VT games are must wins, IMO. We threw the NCSU game, and have no more room for letdowns against inferior teams, at home or on the road)

At FSU sunday is huge. We tapped out last year at FSU, giving the selection committee a reason to send us packing. FSU desperately needs this win. Very hard game.

At UNC, well, Im thinking we take an L here. The officiating alone will be a factor.

UL and UVA? Hoping we split. We have been PWNed by both teams lately. Could drop both.

At ND? Cant rely on a win here. This is a game the league, officials and media needs us to lose.

I'd take 4-3 in this stretch. (and lament the earlier poor performances against UVA, Clemson and NCSU, three losses we shouldnt have)

Do think we will have to have 2 against VT and win the FSU game to avoid disaster, then pick up an upset.
At FSU, VT, UNC and ND

Home against VT, UL and UVA.

VERY tough little stretch.

Could easily go 2-5, or worse (not predicting that, just saying)

The VT games are must wins, IMO. We threw the NCSU game, and have no more room for letdowns against inferior teams, at home or on the road)

At FSU sunday is huge. We tapped out last year at FSU, giving the selection committee a reason to send us packing. FSU desperately needs this win. Very hard game.

At UNC, well, Im thinking we take an L here. The officiating alone will be a factor.

UL and UVA? Hoping we split. We have been PWNed by both teams lately. Could drop both.

At ND? Cant rely on a win here. This is a game the league, officials and media needs us to lose.

I'd take 4-3 in this stretch. (and lament the earlier poor performances against UVA, Clemson and NCSU, three losses we shouldnt have)

Do think we will have to have 2 against VT and win the FSU game to avoid disaster, then pick up an upset.

Give me the Semenholes on the road...I'm feeling better already. We can win 3 of those 4...but I would be happy with 2-2.
I think we will win all of our home games. It's weird to say but I think we have a better chance of beating good teams at home then medicore teams. This team's energy is dependent on the crowds at home and we will have great crowds against UL and UVA. When our team plays with energy, it's very hard to beat us. I think we will win at VT and odds are we will lose the other 3 road games. However, 2 of those road games I think will be very close and if we can make a couple of plays can sneak a win in there.
Need Angel to continue leading and balling... consistently. Need Tonye to step up a bit. And need Sheldon to assert himself more throughout the game.

That said, here's my guess:

Wins: FSU, VT (home), ND, UL and UVA
Losses: UNC, VT (away)
ND is gonna b nightmare. You are talking about set up. ND needs the win, the media and the ACC needs them to win.
Win all the home games.
Win at least 2 road games.

Espn bubble watch says we're a win away from being a lock. We go 5-2 from here on out we have a good chance at a 2 seed maybe 1 seed if 2 of those wins are UNC and Virginia.