Ladarius Gunter, Alonzo Highsmith, & Dalton Botts Interviews

i like gunter.......i think hes gonna be a stud......but he sounds dumber than a box of hammers

also the volume sucks on these
Yeah, of ten interviews of this type, you can just manage to hear mumbles from one or two. Of course the gnat farts three rows over reverberate, and a cough from across the room, but nothing from the interviewer or interviewee.

I understand that instead of having to rely on a small integral microphone on a recorder, they have these really innovative, high-tech things called 'directional microphones' which cost as low as ten bucks or so, and you can actually plug them right into the recorder.

I recall all the interviews with Golden - and we could barely hear him - AT A UNIVERSITY! But they got that fixed at least on the last one I heard.

Microphones. Microphones. Microphones.

Interviews are not interviews when you can't hear the interview, and it drives me nuts as I want to listen!

I'm glad someone ELSE finally said something -
Lol I couldn't even focus on what they were mumbling because these two looked like they wanted to smash eachother during the interview