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Redshirt Freshman
Nov 7, 2011
In the other thread you indicated your friend lives across the street from the Davonta Smith's new house, given to them for going to Bama. Could you ask your friend for the address? In 5 minutes I could find out the owner, when the house was transferred, and other useful information.

I'm not doubting you. But with that information I could out together a package and send it to the NCAA and/or the media. This isn't hard to track. I volunteer for this project but I need some basic I do first.


Why? Ever heard not to throw stones in a glass house. Let these gentlemen agreements iron themselves out. Chill out OP.


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In the other thread you indicated your friend lives across the street from the Davonta Smith's new house, given to them for going to Bama. Could you ask your friend for the address? In 5 minutes I could find out the owner, when the house was transferred, and other useful information.

I'm not doubting you. But with that information I could out together a package and send it to the NCAA and/or the media. This isn't hard to track. I volunteer for this project but I need some basic I do first.


Loser !!!!
....and this is why you don't speak on these things
Quite honestly i dont want these players to be hurt but Bama can go f×÷k themselves. If this dude can help take them down. And help keep kids here in the process then go for it. Miami would benefit so much with out the bag game.

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In the other thread you indicated your friend lives across the street from the Davonta Smith's new house, given to them for going to Bama. Could you ask your friend for the address? In 5 minutes I could find out the owner, when the house was transferred, and other useful information.

I'm not doubting you. But with that information I could out together a package and send it to the NCAA and/or the media. This isn't hard to track. I volunteer for this project but I need some basic I do first.


Not to bust your bubble but the house is leased and I'm sure it's not in their name.

And there's a reason NO ONE reports these types things to the NCAA.

EVERYONE,yes including us,is doing it to some extent.

If I knew how to post a picture I'd post the picture but I'm pretty sure your investigative powers would only lead you to a BAMA alumnus/supporter.
Can't sign em all. If you really think that is happening then be happy for the family. Murder, rape. Thats when you run tell it. College recruiting? Thats some lame *** reason to snitch.
Well then any name saying no to this better never once complain about bagmen in the SEC.
Alabama boosters are pros at not leaving any clues.

The cocaine cartels could take lessons from Bammer boosters on hiding transactions and money laundering.

No chance they left any kind of a trail that anything but a well funded FBI type investigation might uncover, and that's not happening right now.

There's thick smoke everywhere with that program, but have you ever asked yourself why nothing, ever, has come out that points a clear finger. Because those guys have a code of silence like the mafia, and they don't leave a trail. They're pros running a criminal enterprise.

We have people that contribute, yes, but it's all above board. Of course we have $ handshakes, but so does literally every program. That's small time, though.

One day, maybe, some of this will be uncovered, but it will be as a result of an unrelated criminal investigation where some of these threads of the fabric come to light. But it will be because it was discovered by an enforcement agency (IRS or FBI, or other) and not due to a booster like Shapiro babbling.
Can't sign em all. If you really think that is happening then be happy for the family. Murder, rape. Thats when you run tell it. College recruiting? Thats some lame *** reason to snitch.

Yep if a family in need can reap the benefits of recruiting then you do it.

In the case of Smith a lot of people have no clue that he and his family lost everything in the floods that happened here last year.

His HS coach is an above board guy with high morals and normally doesn't play this sh*t but because of what happened to this family he w as willing to live with it.He didn't like it at all but understood.

Some of you act like this is something that started a couple years ago...lmfao.wake up guys this is been going on FOREVER.

Remember the SMU scandal with the pony express? How long ago was that? Marcus Dupree got a new caddy and a trailer for his mom.Its not always,in fact most often,is not cash payments.its other things like DEE said and it's usually only the elite that get the outlandish amounts.
Can't sign em all. If you really think that is happening then be happy for the family. Murder, rape. Thats when you run tell it. College recruiting? Thats some lame *** reason to snitch.

Yep if a family in need can reap the benefits of recruiting then you do it.

In the case of Smith a lot of people have no clue that he and his family lost everything in the floods that happened here last year.

His HS coach is an above board guy with high morals and normally doesn't play this sh*t but because of what happened to this family he w as willing to live with it.He didn't like it at all but understood.

Some of you act like this is something that started a couple years ago...lmfao.wake up guys this is been going on FOREVER.

Remember the SMU scandal with the pony express? How long ago was that? Marcus Dupree got a new caddy and a trailer for his mom.Its not always,in fact most often,is not cash payments.its other things like DEE said and it's usually only the elite that get the outlandish amounts.

An appropriate end to this thread.
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