Kicker dismissed (Jonathan Semerene)

I'll never celebrate a guy ******** up a great opportunity, but I don't see this hurting the team. Those kicks out of bounds were incredibly frustrating. I've never seen a team/kicker do that so many times in one season. It's not rocket science--just boom it through the end zone!
This ultra strict application of team rules is gonna cost Miami a good player at some point. Richt took a lot of criticism at Georgia for all the player arrests but that is no reason to go overboard at Miami.

Are you being serious?

It was a DUI, which is a felony. Good riddance

DUI is normally a misdemeanor on the first offense

He claims to be a lawyer...

apparently 90% of this board is made up of lawyers lol smdh
This ultra strict application of team rules is gonna cost Miami a good player at some point. Richt took a lot of criticism at Georgia for all the player arrests but that is no reason to go overboard at Miami.

Are you being serious?

It was a DUI, which is a felony. Good riddance

DUI is normally a misdemeanor on the first offense

He claims to be a lawyer...

apparently 90% of this board is made up of lawyers lol smdh
Not true. The percentage is higher. I'm the only person on this board who isn't a lawyer.
I had a close personal friend in high school who almost lost her life and had to drop out of school for a year of rehab because a drunk driver hit her. She has scars and medical complications for life. Remember that Richt converted to Christianity after a drunk guy shot and killed one of his players at FSU. So I really don't care if it is Brad Kaaya. If he drives drunk, kick the ****er off the team.

I've had friends lose family member to these people . So I agree
This ultra strict application of team rules is gonna cost Miami a good player at some point. Richt took a lot of criticism at Georgia for all the player arrests but that is no reason to go overboard at Miami.

No doubt. If we lose another paraplegic walk on kicker we might have to shut it down.
LMAO at you ***ing legal scholars be thinking his DUI is a felony. Guess none of you ****** gonna be putting in fo da opening at the Supreme Court!
So who replaces him?

Jake from State Farm...Especially since Adidas will be introducing khaki uniform pants to go with the white jerseys the team will be wearing at Virginia on 12 Nov 16 (Saturday after Veteran's Day).

Are you for real?

Therein lies the rub; With Adidas, you do have to ask if the most outlandish ideas are now real uniform "modifications" coming from the "A" money train...This was in jest, but now that some intern at the division HQ in Portland has seen it...
This ultra strict application of team rules is gonna cost Miami a good player at some point. Richt took a lot of criticism at Georgia for all the player arrests but that is no reason to go overboard at Miami.

I Agree. DUI is Misdemeanor.
Who gets a DUI at 9 am? ****, I thought I was a drunk.