Key role player on Offense


Nov 3, 2011
This hasn't been talked about much but Davon Johnson was Mr. clutch for us last year. There were many times our main ofensive threats just couldn't get going. It seems like DJ was the main cog in our offense being successful. In big games he came through big time. Without him we were inconsistent. I know we have yet to see Coley do his thing but DJ was super clutch. Are we going to need an ace to come through for us this year? Can our offense be great at spreading the ball around? Who do y'all see being the most consistent at moving the chains?

Hagens, Augustus Edwards, Stacy Coley, Warlord. combination of these guys should more than make up for it hopefully
Another or Hurns. Just a solid guy that does everything well, great hands, and can make tough catches. He's reliable. He might not e Julio Jones, but you need guys like him sprinkled on the roster. You know what you're getting with him every time.
I'd put Hurns at the top. He's a senior and has been consistent in spurts before. If he can put it all together, watch out with an already studly WR crew of Dorsett, Scott, Waters and Lewis...
I'd say Hurns or Lewis will be that guy. If Lewis can play this year I'd probably lean towards him. Lewis was consistently open and had great hands last year prior to his injury.
One of the TEs has to step up this year, it's been too long since we've had decent, reliable production from that spot.