Katie Meier Unappreciation Thread

If Rad fired Katie today, she would be the HC at a better overall program by sunset. Amazing that a fanbase that barely acknowledges the woman exists, that gives her no support whatsoever flaps their gums when she loses to a team that theoretically should have rolled this team by 30+. I know you are kidding with your post, but we have dumbass fans that realistically believe that Miami should have beaten SC. The gap between a 1 seed and a 8 seed in women's college basketball is significantly wider than on the men's side. Especially when you consider that SC was at home.
I get your frustration, mane. Katie is a pretty good coach. But beating USCe in 2022, with the talent that Staley can put on the floor…. would be a monumental undertaking, for the most talented of teams. Seems like to me, Katie needs to win more in the living rooms of big time recruits, before she can successfully beat that kind of talent.
I get your frustration, mane. Katie is a pretty good coach. But beating USCe in 2022, with the talent that Staley can put on the floor…. would be a monumental undertaking, for the most talented of teams. Seems like to me, Katie needs to win more in the living rooms of big time recruits, before she can successfully beat that kind of talent.
Katie recruits well, but compared to Staley, it's not even close. People forget, this community DOES NOT SUPPORT MIAMI WOMEN'S HOOPS. Meier doesn't get the support, the love, the interest of other places, even when she has the program playing at a high level. The fact that she has turned down places like LSU, is proof that she loves living in South Florida, because it's not like she has any other reason to be loyal to anyone down here.

I remember when she had Shenise Johnson and Riquna WIlliams, playing exciting ball, ranked in the Top 5, and you couldn't get people to come to games, even if you gave tickets away(WHICH THE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT DID). It's beyond shameful, when you consider how many people live in this city, you are telling me that you can't get 3,000 people to show up to the Watsco Center to watch a good team playing exciting, high tempo ball? Exactly.
I get your frustration, mane. Katie is a pretty good coach. But beating USCe in 2022, with the talent that Staley can put on the floor…. would be a monumental undertaking, for the most talented of teams. Seems like to me, Katie needs to win more in the living rooms of big time recruits, before she can successfully beat that kind of talent.
Our entire current roster is pretty much international players so I don't know what that says about her ability/inability to recruit or even the budget for it but she definitely gets handled with kid gloves, imo.
Our entire current roster is pretty much international players so I don't know what that says about her ability/inability to recruit or even the budget for it but she definitely gets handled with kid gloves, imo.
She does well with international players due to her connections through USA Basketball. She also has those connects due to her experience playing and coaching overseas. That's how she was able to find Stef Yderstrom, one of her old coaches told her about this blonde girl lighting people up in Sweden and Katie was able to get tape. She's also had a **** good track record with foreign players, so of course she would keep going to that well.

She doesn't get handled with Kid Gloves, people that actually know something understand that she is winning regularly at a place where few coaches could. Amazing how she's consistently in the tournament, consistently ranked, consistently competitive in one of the better conferences, despite not getting the local support or recruiting support that other coaches are getting. Like I said before, Miami fires Meier right now, she would be somewhere significantly better before sunset, and probably with a fat raise to boot. She loves living in South Florida, and that's **** near the ONLY reason she's been here this long.

You think Dawn Staley is coming to Miami? How about any other high end coach? Most of them wouldn't even take our calls because this job sucks when you think about it. The local community won't ever support the product, the local high schools have shown that they won't give the home town team ANY play whatsoever and you are playing in a conference where you are going to be facing high end schools that are good year in and year out. Keep in mind, this conference has ND, Louisville, UNC, NC State, and others.
She's been here almost 20 seasons and has never won more than ONE Tournament game in the same year. But yeahhh, she's a legend.
Again, if you are going to fire her, you better have an upgrade. Oh wait, you probably don't. Brilliant take there chief. Out of all the years to be ****ed about her not breaking through, this is the year where you probably may want to keep it to yourself.
Meier has more wins than Labati in either less or the same amount of seasons
I'm half-joking about Labati but her winning % at Miami was higher than Saint Katie's. Something like .626 vs .610.

Plus a Sweet Sixteen appearance.

Buy yeahhhh, Meier is doing the Lord's work here as she'd probably be next in to replace Spo with the Heat if we fired her. Thank God she just loves South Florida so much......and the obvious lack of expectations here and incessant kid glove treatment that you DO see in the diatribes above.
Again, if you are going to fire her, you better have an upgrade. Oh wait, you probably don't. Brilliant take there chief. Out of all the years to be ****ed about her not breaking through, this is the year where you probably may want to keep it to yourself.
So what is it then? She's getting these great international players because she's a superstar coach that USA Basketball loves....but then can never coach them up to any REAL results....because she just doesn't have enough local support?

Women's Hoops is NOT Football or Men's Hoops or even Baseball. IF Ol' Katie was what you worship then her record would be better than what it is based upon pure coaching ability alone and respect for that ability at least helping her recruit better. But yeahhhh....she'd do better in March over the last 20 years if more people went to games or she had more money for recruiting.
So what is it then? She's getting these great international players because she's a superstar coach that USA Basketball loves....but then can never coach them up to any REAL results....because she just doesn't have enough local support?

Women's Hoops is NOT Football or Men's Hoops or even Baseball. IF Ol' Katie was what you worship then her record would be better than what it is based upon pure coaching ability alone and respect for that ability at least helping her recruit better. But yeahhhh....she'd do better in March over the last 20 years if more people went to games or she had more money for recruiting.
There's stupid, and there's this. Have there been years in which Miami should have gotten through and didn't? Yes, the year where Meier had Hof/Mompremier was that year. You gotta win that game on your own home floor. Then again, her best overall team got utterly screwed by being sent to Spokane, to play a low seed on their own home floor, and then having to send your most dynamic scorer home the night before. We can argue that she's had some rough luck in the tournament, but you'd think that eventually she'd break through. By the way, you ever look at Dawn Staley's tournament record BEFORE she came to South Carolina? Let me help you.


Guess Dawn was garbage considering that she NEVER made it out of the 1st weekend. Amazing that she magically got better once she got to a school that through an AD that was committed and some donors started POURING money into her program and giving her a fighting chance. I can dig through a lot of coaches that have similar career trajectories. You really think Adia Barnes at Arizona is some super coach? Or is it that Arizona, due to location and fanbase gives her unparalleled resources and that allowed her to come in and really start maxing out what that program could be in short order? I get it, our fans just realized that women's college basketball exists, and brought their toxic, irrational bull**** over from football, men's basketball and baseball, but take a seat.

You think it's a mere accident that the same schools win year in and year out? You think it's an accident that you could easily do straight chalk for the women's tournament bracket and win most of the time? It's not an accident that you don't have nationally relevant midmajor programs in women's college basketball, compared to men's where you can always count on multiple programs being relevant outside of the power conferences. The sport has a huge divide between the haves and the have nots. You need to at least TRY to provide the things that the teams you are battling have. Keep this in mind: I can name the number of McDonald's All Americans Miami has signed on one hand and have fingers left over. Katie just signed the best class in PROGRAM HISTORY last winter, it was ranked 12th nationally. Let that settle in, BEST CLASS EVER, it's not even top 10 nationally. In other words, our best class EVER would be a massive downgrade for South Carolina, Tennessee, NC State, Louisville, etc. You expect Miami to beat South Carolina, on their own home floor, with a team that is significantly less talented? The odds of that happening were slim, and Miami didn't play well enough to be in the game late to steal one. They picked a **** of a night to have the worst shooting performance of the season.

As I said before, this year isn't a year in which I was going to be ****ed about losing in the second round, because it was unlikely Miami made it through, due to seeding. I'm more ****ed that the one time Miami had a legit POY candidate in Mompremier, she managed to prolapse coming down the stretch against ASU and that game got away. You probably don't have any idea what I'm talking about and that's the problem. Our fans don't pay attention for years on end and then want to throw stones.
I'm half-joking about Labati but her winning % at Miami was higher than Saint Katie's. Something like .626 vs .610.

Plus a Sweet Sixteen appearance.

Buy yeahhhh, Meier is doing the Lord's work here as she'd probably be next in to replace Spo with the Heat if we fired her. Thank God she just loves South Florida so much......and the obvious lack of expectations here and incessant kid glove treatment that you DO see in the diatribes above.
You realize that Labati only had to win 1 game to make the Sweet 16 in her era right? Just saying. The tournament didn't expand until later. Oh and by the way.



Yep, Ferne was outstanding, if you enjoyed one big season, where she won one postseason game(Which got her to the Sweet 16, because she had a bye), and a bunch of .500 seasons....
There's stupid, and there's this. Have there been years in which Miami should have gotten through and didn't? Yes, the year where Meier had Hof/Mompremier was that year. You gotta win that game on your own home floor. Then again, her best overall team got utterly screwed by being sent to Spokane, to play a low seed on their own home floor, and then having to send your most dynamic scorer home the night before. We can argue that she's had some rough luck in the tournament, but you'd think that eventually she'd break through. By the way, you ever look at Dawn Staley's tournament record BEFORE she came to South Carolina? Let me help you.

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Guess Dawn was garbage considering that she NEVER made it out of the 1st weekend. Amazing that she magically got better once she got to a school that through an AD that was committed and some donors started POURING money into her program and giving her a fighting chance. I can dig through a lot of coaches that have similar career trajectories. You really think Adia Barnes at Arizona is some super coach? Or is it that Arizona, due to location and fanbase gives her unparalleled resources and that allowed her to come in and really start maxing out what that program could be in short order? I get it, our fans just realized that women's college basketball exists, and brought their toxic, irrational bull**** over from football, men's basketball and baseball, but take a seat.

You think it's a mere accident that the same schools win year in and year out? You think it's an accident that you could easily do straight chalk for the women's tournament bracket and win most of the time? It's not an accident that you don't have nationally relevant midmajor programs in women's college basketball, compared to men's where you can always count on multiple programs being relevant outside of the power conferences. The sport has a huge divide between the haves and the have nots. You need to at least TRY to provide the things that the teams you are battling have. Keep this in mind: I can name the number of McDonald's All Americans Miami has signed on one hand and have fingers left over. Katie just signed the best class in PROGRAM HISTORY last winter, it was ranked 12th nationally. Let that settle in, BEST CLASS EVER, it's not even top 10 nationally. In other words, our best class EVER would be a massive downgrade for South Carolina, Tennessee, NC State, Louisville, etc. You expect Miami to beat South Carolina, on their own home floor, with a team that is significantly less talented? The odds of that happening were slim, and Miami didn't play well enough to be in the game late to steal one. They picked a **** of a night to have the worst shooting performance of the season.

As I said before, this year isn't a year in which I was going to be ****ed about losing in the second round, because it was unlikely Miami made it through, due to seeding. I'm more ****ed that the one time Miami had a legit POY candidate in Mompremier, she managed to prolapse coming down the stretch against ASU and that game got away. You probably don't have any idea what I'm talking about and that's the problem. Our fans don't pay attention for years on end and then want to throw stones.
There's stupid and there's "I know Katie will break through at some point here!!!! I can just feel it. She's too good a coach!!!!!.......as 20 years pass.

Let's continue this conversation maybe after her 25th year here.

You've gone wayyyy in the weeds here and that's fine but when DECADES pass and an obvious ceiling is clearly established then these details and incessant references to Staley lose weight.

And if Miami Hoops is sooooo broken support-wise then Katie (who you guys are essentially billing as a championship level coach) stayed here for 20 years, why? Because she likes the area? If a guy did that we'd rightfully say that he's either in a retirement mindset or likes little to expectations in relation to results.
You realize that Labati only had to win 1 game to make the Sweet 16 in her era right? Just saying. The tournament didn't expand until later. Oh and by the way.

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Yep, Ferne was outstanding, if you enjoyed one big season, where she won one postseason game(Which got her to the Sweet 16, because she had a bye), and a bunch of .500 seasons....
Labati has a higher winning % and was forced out after making back to back Tournaments and losing in both of them....like Meier does. And I had no problem with us moving on from her then. Now that apparently gets you lifetime job security.
I just want better for our girls.
Dude, I can tell you've never been to a single women's game, ever. Honestly, 99.9% of the people in this board wouldn't be able to name a girl on this roster if their lives depended in it. You couldn't care less about this program but want to concern troll.