Jess Simpson gone.

D-line play has more to do with the defensive scheme than it does the D-line coach; just look at the difference between our D-line play during Dorito's last year and Manny's first year.

I'm a huge fan of Simpson, but we will be just fine. Miami assistant coaches getting NFL gigs is a great thing for our program from a branding/appeal perspective.
Do some research on the dude before talking ****.

I did my research when he was hired on the support staff. He is in the same mold as a Coach Kool, old school.

The fact still remains that there is no way to spin this as an upgrade until he puts product on the field.
Ppl saying "hey, we know less about this guy than the last one" is a poor attempt at a spin.

Two serious questions.....

First did you like the simpson hire after Kul? From what I recall most people were freaking out as he was Richt's buddy, never coached at a P5 school, and bashed him for being an assistant to an assistant in the NFL with zero recruiting experience. Not saying you ever said any of this but that was a majority of complaints. Now we have a guy with a long history of coaching, and I have not really seen anyone list a viable alternative/replacement this late into the offseason but you say there is "no way" this can be an upgrade?

Second question, why do you wear a tee shirt under a tee shirt with the under tee shirt being much larger and wear sweatpants/tights under basketball shorts while standing at a residence? Where you on your way to some athletic event and the tights make you more aerodynamic? Is this some sort of fashion forward independent thinking no one on the board understands? Please elaborate.
You never heard of simpson until he was hired here.

Manny will never win you guys over. People were crying when we thought he was hiring fedora....applewhite...then enos.

If manny knew this was going to happened, to me that looks good on preparing his kingdom. He has all his ducks in a row, wont skip a beat. Unlike other coaches we see.

Manny must think highly of him since he is assistant head coach title also
Ppl saying "hey, we know less about this guy than the last one" is a poor attempt at a spin.
No spin. I'm just not going to jump to conclusions on a new hire before we've seen his work in action. The fact that a lot of the same people throwing a fit today were throwing a fit last year when Richt replaced Kool with "some high school coach" is laughable.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that pretty much any D line coach who's philosophy aligns with Diaz's will be successful here. It ain't rocket science.
You sir, have just opened my eyes. I'm out too. Luckily, at the same exact time Manny fired his best position coach, he got a job with an NFL team. I'm sure that is purely coincidence as your version seems much more likely. :hammering-head::moon2::nelson-haha:
How does it feel to be out, before the first game is played?........smh
JL appears to be a loss. Good luck Jess in NFL.

Next man up with Stroud.

The coaching landscape on CFB is now, here this morning, gone to new job this afternoon.
I did my research when he was hired on the support staff. He is in the same mold as a Coach Kool, old school.

The fact still remains that there is no way to spin this as an upgrade until he puts product on the field.

So is it downgrade? Unknown? People complain just to complain.

Guy that had zero college experience at the time he’s hired and has one decent year as a coach is factually a better coach than the guy that has years of college experience and has coached some good players.

Thanks for your opinion.
Disappointing to lose Simpson this quickly.

I thought he did a fine job during his (very) short tenure here.

Congrats on the promotion, though - if we're going to lose coaches, having them go to the NFL to a better job isn't a bad look for us.

Hopefully Stroud will get it done for us and keep our DL as a strength of the team.
He doesn’t want to come home. This was stated before by him! Some fans just don’t pay attention. We tried before hiring Simpson and Patrick didn’t wanna uproot his family again. do some research before blindly *****ing

He won’t come home until his daughters are at least outta school
Ok so who do u want hired? You’ve watched strouds defenses? You know he’s gonna suck? Our fans smh

I think you're being a little too defensive about a slight worry many will have on here. Why was this guy coaching at Akron after all this time? It's a legit concern. "Our fans smh" Sounds like you want your fellow fans to be blindly optimistic. I loved the hire as an analyst but want to find out more about what happened to Straud post NC Sate