2024 Jeremiah Smith 2.0 ,,, Signs with Taint

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Yep after the Matthew Thomas miss that one was big time.
Yeah back then I was reading and posting a little bit on the Scout premium board. IIRC they didn’t think we were getting Thomas the way others did but like @bobbydigius said, that signing day was a nightmare

I just remember Jimbo commenting afterwards that he was trying to reach Coley for a couple of days but he basically went off the grid and no one heard from him
**** man I’m gonna need some Roman to get through
I'm sitting here thinking back to past NSD nightmares for us, and one thing that makes me nervous is that we are gonna get hit negatively out of nowhere...and this scenario popped in my head:

- We have verbals from Zaquan Patterson, JoJo Trader. In the hunt for Smith, of course. They're all Chaminade kids.
- We already have gotten ZP's NLI in and he's official - great news!
- Trader's NLI has yet to come in by all reports as of 10:40 AM EST.
- All the noise around a flip is for Smith to choose between Miami/tOSU* at the signing ceremony.

My nightmare scenario?

What if tOSU* solidified Smith, and Trader is going w/him as a package deal? Not having JoJo's NLI when we already have ZP's is concerning to me. Just seems super fishy and my spidey senses are tingling.

Someone tell me I'm completely wrong. I'll be tickled to chalk this up to PTSD from previous NSD nightmares.
this **** ain’t for you dawg
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