Jennings Cancels Anouncement


Jul 11, 2013
Said the other day he would make a announcement on monday but has canceled it. Said he doesn't have a date in mind. Wants to take his time and make sure he is making the right decision.

Fsu must have called him and talked him out of it. Might just be looking for fsu to show him love. We will see what happens.

Recruiting is a game of attrition. We need to continue to make them work for every mutual target and committed prospect they have. Let ******* push these indians back into the stone age where they belong. I don't care if we have to pass out measle blankets and fire water till all their coaches and jobless and selling tax free cigarettes on reservations.
This is why it's better to keep this stuff quiet instead of doing multiple interviews essentially signaling for everyone to know when you're going to make an announcement.
It sounds like FSU wouldn't have even known he was going to flip until a whole bunch of buzz started coming up surrounding it.
He had to call FSU and tell them about him visiting Miami, they weren't calling him everyday which means they didn't even care.
He was either playing us the whole time, or all the attention Miami started showing him signaled FSU to get back on guard.

Either way, I've stated on multiple threads I prefer Wilder over him anyway, so if we don't flip him it's not a loss because he was never with us in the first place.
Good... I must say I liked his film that I saw this week but with that being said I'd rather go after deandre wilder honestly
Was flirting with FSU's biggest rival to get them to show more love. He won't like it when they go back to old habits of not talking to him.
I like the kid's film. Pete said the Noles weren't going to let him go easily.
Was flirting with FSU's biggest rival to get them to show more love. He won't like it when they go back to old habits of not talking to him.

If he's playing games, then Richt should drop him. Then, when FSU starts ignoring him again he'll have to start flirting with UNC.
Good. But for different reasons. Tired of these kids committing but are still looking around. Even if he did commit to us he would have been looking at FSU out the corner of his eye right up until signing day. Dont commit unless you are 100% decided. Esp if that could take a slot from another prospect because I **** sure want Wilder in this class.

You dont ever turn down a stud from Carol City. EVER. They have a very low bust rate. **** I think Ricky Jean Francois is still cashing checks in the league.

Last time we did that was Robert Sands and he ended up being a stud for West Virginia and playing for the Chiefs for a few minutes..
Man, Wilder need to stop Bullsh!ttin already and go on and commit. He gotta kiss some ace, assure the staff he's all about football, then do it. Dammit man.
****, staff is crootn hard that's for sure. Honestly thought, is this Jennings kid really that good to get all worked up about? Tape seemed kind of average. I like the trio of LBs CMR signed this past year WAY better.