Zero need for him to do that.
I’m as critical as anyone regarding JG and his bonehead plays that have drawn penalties over the years but JG showed great effort on this play. Which resulted in a most important and record breaking TD. You hotta give credit where credit is due and this was just a great play by JG!
It was the same type of effort that we saw from him last season that saved us a TD when we had a WR fumble the ball before he got into the end zone after a long run. It was because of JG’s hustle, he was able to recover the ball in the end zone for a TD. Why? Because he was trailing the play to the whistle.
And again yesterday, JG did exactly what he was supposed to do on the play. He played it to the whistle and followed the play to the end.
On this particular play, he kept the defender to the right of him from having any chance of getting to X and when he realized he neutralized that defender he peeled off and was able to get a great block on the other defender that was trailing X, His hustle helped get X to end zone untouched.
You can’t teach effort, heart or hustle and JG had all 3 of those traits on full display on X’s record breaking TD.
Some of y’all are just looking for something to complain about and that’s fine. But if you need something to complain about. This particular play ain’t it!