Isaiah Walker IGTV Video Interview Insight

You don't bail on the school you sign with this early in your career unless you a) already have something else lined up and/or b) that something else is your hometown school (see Bru McCoy).
Let's take this kid and keep our QB upright for the next four seasons. Hopefully we'll then be in a position to tell kids who make the wrong choice to *****.
Miami is not in the position to have this type of mentality period. We need as many talented players at tackle that we can get period. We already don’t recruit that position well as it is.
Especially when said player can give us 3-4 years of play.
if we have an open scholly ok, but you need to reward loyalty : I wouldn't take Walker if it meant losing Willie who is from a feeder school
Is it just me, or does anyone else sceptical about this kid. Is there a reason he is transferring after his first year? Did he get in trouble or was he not good enough to play?